“Don’t you dare go anywhere, you bitch,” Michael contradicted, his eyes like ice when they pinned her. She was trembling and indecisive, knowing Nico was right – she wanted to run, to hide, but she couldn’t leave Nico and Dante was hardly in any state to move.

At that moment, Michael swore and lurched forward, trying to reach for Maddie, but Nico gripped him tighter, turning him away from her bodily, pushing him towards the door. Michael got free though and spun around, landing one more punch to Nico’s face. Blood came from his mouth. Maddie cried and stood up, patting Dante urgently then moving towards the men. She couldn’t let Nico get hurt because of her.

“Leave him alone! Damn it, Michael, this is between you and me. Nico has nothing to do with it.”

“You made it about him! I’m going to kill you, you little bitch!” Michael shouted, pushing at Nico once more before turning to Maddie. But Nico was there, inserting his body between them, one arm wrapping behind his frame to grip Maddie, keeping her protected by his larger bulk.

She felt the next punch connect to Nico. Then there was the sound of the door opening, footsteps, Italian voices, too many to comprehend, and they were no longer alone.

Nico was turning, dragging her to his chest. She could feel the rapid fire of his heart, see the blood on his shirt, and over his shoulder, at least four police dressed in

military style gear pushing Michael to the floor and handcuffing him. Another man in a suit approached Nico, but Nico cut him short.

“Later,” he said in Italian. “Not now.”

“Fine,” the man responded. “The medics are outside.”

Nico pulled back, looking at Maddie. He winced visibly, his fingers lifting gently to her face, tracing the cheekbone. “You’re hurt.”

“I’m hurt? You’re hurt,” she said, and ridiculously, she laughed. A wobbly sound that turned to a sob, so Nico dragged her back to his chest, holding her there, stroking her hair.

“Dante!” she broke away from him, looking to the dog. “Oh, Dante.” The dog was lying on the ground. “He needs to see a vet.”

Nico stroked Maddie’s back, but to the Italian man he said, “Get Alessia, and Christo, yes, a vet.”

Nico held Maddie for a long time. He held her while Michael was dragged from the villa, shouting vile epithets at Maddie. He held her while almost all the carabinieri left. He held her until Alessia arrived, and only then did he guide her to the sofa, set her down gently and turn to the blonde woman.

“Nico!” She shook her head in consternation. “You’re badly injured!”

“Her first,” he said, nodding to Maddie. Maddie saw Alessia’s concern though, and something like camaraderie shifted in Maddie. They were united in their concern for Nico and it made Maddie feel a kinship with Alessia.

“I’m really not bad,” Maddie promised. “Nico copped the worst of it.”

“Sit,” he ordered, then to Alessia. “Help her. Please.” He put a hand on Maddie’s shoulder and his tone was softened when he next spoke. “I’ll get you a cup of tea.”

Maddie didn’t argue.

She sat there while Alessia examined her, shining lights in her eyes, checking her reflexes, and finally stood back and nodded. “There’ll have a terrible bruise, but otherwise, you’ll be fine. Obviously if the pain gets worse, not better, have Nico contact me.”

She nodded then cringed as pain radiated through her.

Nico returned then, his face washed clean, his shirt changed, so outwardly at least he looked like his normal self. He handed a mug to Maddie. She took it gratefully, curving her fingers around the warmth, her teeth chattering in a delayed reaction to shock.

“I didn’t think you still saw him,” the words blurted out from her; she couldn’t stop shaking. “I thought you hadn’t seen him for years. I didn’t know who you were that day we met. I should have told, I should have told you before now, but I didn’t think…”

“Hush, hush,” he pressed a finger to her lips. “Quiet, cara. Sit here while I speak to the detective.” Then, to Alessia, “Will you stay with her?”

“Certamente, on one condition?”

Nico paused.

“I examine you next.”

He hesitated a moment but perhaps the look in both Alessia and Maddie’s eyes showed him he would be fighting a losing battle if he were to argue. With compressed lips, he nodded. “Fine.”

Another man arrived then, and after a few words it was apparent he was the vet. He moved to Dante, shaking his head in obvious disapproval, before turning to Alessia. He spoke in Italian and Maddie was too frazzled to translate.

“Inghiltera? English?”