He shook his head, obviously intrigued.

“What a shame.” She gestured towards her basket. “I baked scones for the pirates. I was hoping to run into them here but instead, I found you. Would you like one?”

“What’s a scone?” He was already moving closer to the basket.

“They’re sort of like bread, but much yummier,” she said, tilting her head to the side. She pushed up off the ground then, or tried to, but had to abort the effort when her ankle sent a sharp spear of pain through her legs. “Hmmm. I’ve hurt my ankle. We might have to have a little picnic here until someone arrives. Where is your mum? Or dad?”

“Inside.” He looked over his shoulder. Curiosity grew.

“Do you know the man who lives here?”

“It’s my Zio.”

“Your uncle?”

He nodded. “Nico.”

“Ah.” She pushed the tea towel back and lifted a scone out. They were soft, straight from the oven. She took the top off and reached for the jam she’d brought, adding a generous amount. It was a gift from the landlady of her cottage and was obviously home made, so big clumps of real strawberries fell onto the scone. To this, Maddie added thick cream, handing the treat to the little boy. His eyes followed her actions and he reached for it without a moment’s hesitation, taking a bite that left a small dab of cream on his nose.

“I like it.” Little crumbs fell from his mouth as he spoke through another big bite, then another. “It’s good.”

“Thank you.” She looked over her shoulder towards the house once more. There was no sign of anyone. “What’s your name?”

“I’m not supposed to tell strangers my name.”

She suppressed a smile, and resisted pointing out that he probably wasn’t supposed to accept food from strangers either. “I’m not a stranger. I’m friends with Nico.”

“I’ve never met a friend of Nico’s.”

Maddie’s heart twisted at this innocently offered information.

“He has me,” she said honestly, a smile dimpling her cheeks. “I was going to share whatever scones the pirates didn’t want with your uncle.” She leaned closer, a conspiratorial look on her face. “He’s never tried them either.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know. But in England, where I’m from, we eat a lot of them.”

“My mum lived in England.”

Maddie nodded thoughtfully. “Is your mum here?”

A scowl touched his features. “Yes.”

“Were you running away from her?”

A petulant look made his lip jut out. “No.”

She hid another smile, shifting her gaze to the sparkling ocean. “She might be worried about you?”

“She’s only ever worried about the twins.”

“Ah.” Maddie nodded sagely. “Your brother and sister?”

He eyed her warily. “Brothers.”

“How old are they?”
