Edward’s in the galley, putting fruit on a plate. I reach over and take a strawberry. It’s sweet, courtesy of the beautiful summer we’ve been having.

‘Usually, anyway.’

‘Oh?’ I pretend no interest but I’m still troubled by the way I fell into Holden’s arms. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just not in my nature to be so spontaneous, and I have no idea what kind of voodoo he used, or spell he cast, to make me go weak at the knees without so much as dinner first.

‘Don’t get me wrong, he’s hardly Joe Civil but he’s decent enough.’ He lifts his face towards mine, his hair greying at the temples, his face pleasingly lined—proof of a life filled with smiles. ‘But he’s not the kind of guy you’d want to get involved with.’

Heat floods my face. I’m sure I must be as pink as the berry I’ve just eaten. I don’t say anything in response.

Edward’s smile is awkward. ‘I mean, he entertains on the jet often.’

My stomach tightens for no reason I can think of. I have no right to feel annoyed. He’s trying to give me a kindly warning and, besides, Holden hasn’t said or done anything to contradict what Edward’s saying. It’s not news to me. I shouldn’t care. I don’t care.

‘I’ll bet.’ I smile to show I’m not offended or bothered.

‘Amy mentioned you recently broke up with a guy?’

I still, frowning. Grant’s a long way in my past, our break-up was over a year ago, but that’s not why I pause. It feels disconcerting that Amy would have discussed me with a colleague, until I remember that she’s been seeing someone lately.

‘Oh, my God. You’re Eddy?’

He grins, but shifts his gaze towards the curtain. Suddenly, a lot of things make sense. Why he’s being so kind to me, why he cares that I was about to go to bed with a man-whore like Holden.

‘We’re keeping it on the down-low. It’s not exactly smiled upon and neither of us wants to risk our job.’

‘Of course.’ I nod. ‘I understand that.’

‘So she’s mentioned me?’

Bless him. His probing question is charming. I lift my shoulders. ‘Amy doesn’t kiss and tell.’

He laughs. ‘Okay, but at least you know who I am.’

I reach for another strawberry.

‘Anyway, he’s a nice guy like I said, a great boss, but he’s not someone I’d ever recommend getting involved with. Unless you’re after one night of mad sex—no guarantee he’ll remember your name the next day.’

‘Got it.’ I stand up, wiping my hands on a paper towel before discarding it in the bin.

‘I mean—’

I lift a hand, stalling him. ‘Eddy, we don’t need to talk about this any more, okay? I get it.’

‘Okay.’ His breath whooshes out in relief. ‘You don’t need to see him again. You’ve been working all flight. We’ll take over now.’ I nod distractedly. Is that what I want? To not see Holden again?

Chicken, a little voice inside my mind taunts. As if running away is what I want to do.

What’s so wrong with a one-night stand anyway? Nothing.

That’s what I wanted.

I’m not interested in dating, and I’m definitely not interested in dating a guy like Holden, so Eddy’s revelation shouldn’t have changed a thing for me.

What does that mean? I look towards the curtain uncertainly, doubts plaguing me.

Wanting someone is one thing.