Dan let out a half-laugh. ‘She’s a looker, but not really my type, she has pictures of her grandkids on her desk.’

‘Oh.’ Now she was back to being confused. And wary. Was Dan actually here because he thought they had a serious chance of repairing their marriage?

If he had done something like this five years ago, she would have been skipping around the room with unconcealed joy. She had never felt less like skipping in her whole entire life.

‘I didn’t want to come here until I could prove I wasn’t just blowing sunshine up your ass again, that I meant it this time, that I can change,’ Dan added.

He was actually serious. Not fake, politician sincere, but tentative I’m-trying-here-but-I’m-terrified-it-won’t-be-enough sincere.

She hadn’t had a glimpse of insecure Dan since the day they discovered she was pregnant and he’d told his father. It was one of the things that had drawn her to him so comprehensively all those years ago. The way he’d stood up for her, stood up for them and their child, against a man who she knew had always terrified him on some visceral level.

She’d clung on to that in the years afterwards, long after that man had disappeared to be replaced by a careless womaniser who hadn’t stood up for anything. But, because of her affection for that man, she couldn’t bring herself to slap him down. She suddenly felt exhausted, and she noted so did Dan. He’d probably caught the red-eye and she knew he never slept on planes, even in first class, and it was a three-hour drive here from Heathrow.

Plus, there were all her confused feelings for Art to consider too. This was all too sudden. And too much of a tangled mess to discuss while they were both exhausted.

‘I don’t know what to say. This is… surprising.’ How’s that for an understatement – the shock reverberating through her reminded her of the moment when the pee stick had turned pink.

‘I know, and I’m sure you don’t really believe me. Because why would you? But I want to prove to you I can change. That’s why I’m here. I wanted to get you both and bring you home.’

Except Orchard Harbor didn’t feel like home any more. And hadn’t for a while. And wasn’t it just perfect timing that she should finally admit that to herself now?

‘I have commitments here that I can’t break.’ And she had absolutely no intention of breaking.

‘What? To him?’ Dan said, clearly shocked. ‘How serious are you about this guy?’

‘This isn’t about Art,’ she said, even though it was, partially. But she hadn’t even had a chance to examine her own feelings properly, let alone talk to Art about them. And she certainly had no intention of discussing their relationship with Dan. Because it would feel like a betrayal, which was probably rather ironic, given that she was still officially Dan’s wife. ‘I’m planning a wedding for two of the co-op’s residents…’

‘Can’t you get someone else to step in?’

‘No, I can’t. And I don’t want to. They’re friends of mine and I want to be here for the event.’

‘OK, fine.’ Dan scrubbed his hands down his face, looking harassed. ‘Look, it’s not a problem. I can stay here with you and Joshie for a few weeks.’

‘You’re not staying with us,’ she said, horrified. She didn’t want Dan here – that would just complicate the situation even more. ‘We’re not a couple any more. We’re separated.’

Dan threw his hands up in the air. ‘Then I’ll get a hotel room nearby. I’m not going home without you guys.’

Trust Dan to choose this precise moment to get assertive.

The rumble of an engine drawing up outside the house was followed by the sound of children chattering, and car doors slamming.

‘Is that Joshie?’ Dan said, and the genuine pleasure on his face had Ellie’s heart kicking her ribs.

She had Josh to consider in all this, too. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted to do any more. But, whatever happened, she had to put him first. Not herself, not Art and certainly not Dan.

‘Yes, he’s back from a Harry Potter movie marathon with my mum Dee and Art’s daughter, Toto.’

Dan scowled, the pleasure gone. ‘Why did the guy name his daughter after a dog?’

‘It’s short for Antonia,’ she heard herself say as the front door opened and footsteps stampeded down the hall.

‘Mom, there’s a cool car in the yard.’ Josh sounded curious, until he entered the kitchen.

‘Dad!’ He ran full pelt into his father’s arms. Dan grunted, l

aughing, as Josh smacked into his chest.

Dan scooped him up and swung him round. ‘Hey, kid, how did you get to be so skinny?’ Putting Josh down, he looped his fingers round the boy’s upper arm, testing his biceps. ‘And where did you get all the muscle?’