‘Why did you push me away?’ she asked, tentative hope flickering to life. ‘Why didn’t you believe me when I said I loved you?’

He gave a deep sigh. ‘You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?’

She heard the turmoil, the resignation in his voice, and hope blossomed. ‘Yes, I am.’

His eyes met hers. ‘Because I’m not the man you think I am.’

‘And what man is that?’ she asked simply.

He dipped his head, the gesture weary. ‘One that deserves you.’ His voice broke on the words and she realised that finally, after all these years, all the heartache and confusion, the barriers were at last crumbling away.

‘Gio, you idiot,’ she murmured. ‘What makes you think you don’t deserve me?’

‘I spent my whole childhood trying to make them care about me. And they never did. I knew there had to be a reason. Then you came along and filled up all those empty spaces. And I never even had to ask.’

‘But you kept shutting me out.’ He’d done the same thing when they were children, as soon as she’d got too close. ‘Why would you do that?’

‘Because I was petrified,’ he murmured. ‘I didn’t want to need you and then have you figure out you’d made a mistake.’

Stepping out from the desk, she wrapped her arms round his waist, laid her head on his chest. And the last of the chill burned away as his hands settled on her shoulders.

‘You were right, Issy. I’ve let what they did control my life. I’m not doing that any more.’ His lips brushed her hair. ‘Give me another chance. I know you probably don’t love me any more, but…’

‘Gio, be quiet.’ She squeezed him and then looked up. Resting her hand on his cheek, she felt the rough stubble and saw the tired smudges under his eyes she hadn’t noticed before. ‘Love doesn’t work like that. I couldn’t stop loving you even when I wanted to. And believe me, I gave it a really good try.’

The realisation that now she wouldn’t have to brought with it a surge of euphoria.

‘I’ll give you another chance,’ she said, knowing all her hopes and dreams were written on her face, ‘as long as you promise not to shut me out ever again.’

‘You’ve got your promise,’ he said, kissing her. But then he pulled back, framed her face, his eyes shadowed. ‘Wait a minute—don’t you want me to say I love you back?’

She almost laughed at the look of bewilderment on his face. ‘When you’re able to do that, that will be lovely.’ And she knew he would be able to one day—once he’d become completely secure in the knowledge that she meant everything she said. ‘And my romantic heart will cherish the moment. But in the end they’re just words, Gio. What really matters is how you feel. And whether you want to be with me and make a commitment that matters.’

Ten years ago she would have demanded he say the words. But she wasn’t going to pressure him into it now. He’d come such a long way already.

‘That’s really noble of you, Issy,’ he said, the amusement in his eyes puzzling her. ‘But it may surprise you to know I’m not that much of a coward. Not any more.’

‘I know,’ she replied, not sure where this was leading. To her surprise, he took a step back and got down on one knee. ‘What are you doing?’

‘Be quiet and let me do this properly.’

‘But I told you, it’s not necessary.’

‘I know what you told me,’ he said, his lips quirking as he squeezed her hands tight. ‘And you probably even believe it at the moment. Because you’re sweet and generous and you never think anything through before you open your mouth.’

‘Gee, thanks,’ she said, pretty sure that wasn’t a compliment.

‘Stop pouting and let me say what I’ve got to say,’ he said, his voice sobering. ‘Maybe you don’t need to hear the words, but I sure as hell need to say them. I owe you this, Issy—for what I said to you ten years ago, and for the things I said a fortnight ago.’ He cleared his throat, took a deep breath. ‘So here goes.’ His eyes fixed on her face as excitement geysered up her chest and made her knees tremble.

‘Ti amo, Isadora Helligan. I love your sassy wit, the smell of your hair, the feel of your body next to mine when I wake up in the morning. I love that you are always ready to fight for what you think is right and you never back down. I love your passion for life and your spontaneity, and I especially love that drama queen tendency that makes you so damn easy to tease.’

‘Hey!’ she said, grinning like a fool.

‘But most of all, Issy,’ he continued, chuckling at her mock outrage, ‘I love your courage and your tenacity and your ability to always see the best in people, and that because of all those qualities you gave me all the chances I needed till I finally got it right.’

She flung her arms around his shoulders, almost toppling him over. ‘I love you, Gio. So much I’m not even going to make you pay for that drama queen comment.’

He laughed, standing up with her arms still wrapped around his neck. Holding onto her waist, he lifted her easily off the ground, then kissed her with the passion and purpose she adored.