She did as he commanded, feathering kisses over his brow, his chin, his cheeks, as he strode through the French doors into the master bedroom.

He took her mouth again as he lay beside her, his hard, beautiful body covering hers. The kiss was so deep and dangerous and full of purpose she wanted to scream.

They wrestled their robes off together.

He delved into the curls at her core with clever, insistent fingers.

‘I love the way you’re always wet for me,’ he murmured as she bucked beneath him, cried out, the twist and bite of arousal so vicious it stunned her.

She peaked in a rush of

savage sensation. Before she had a chance to draw a steady breath he gripped her hips and settled between her thighs.

She grasped his shoulders, opened for him as he plunged.

The fullness of the strokes had her building to a crescendo again with staggering speed, the harsh grunts of his breathing matching her broken sobs. But instead of cresting this time she cruised the brutal orgasm for an eternity, shooting up and then clawing back until she felt trapped in a vortex of pleasure too intense to survive.

Straining, desperate, she crashed over into the abyss at last, and heard his roar of fulfilment as he crashed and burned behind her.

Issy combed the damp curls at his nape with shaking fingers, her body still quivering from the aftermath of the titanic orgasm.

Had that been sex? She felt as if she’d just survived an earthquake.

He lifted his head. But he didn’t speak. He looked as stunned as she felt. Easing out of her, he flopped down by her side.

Then cursed. ‘I didn’t wear a condom. Is that going to be a problem?’

The flat words took a moment to penetrate her fuzzy brain. ‘Sorry. What?’

‘No condom.’ He cleared his throat. ‘I forgot.’ He propped himself up on his elbow, leaned over her. ‘When’s your next period?’

‘I…’ She tried to grasp the meaning, the rigid tone.

‘You’re not in the middle of your cycle, are you?’

‘No. No, I’m not. I’m due soon.’ She did a quick mental calculation. ‘Tomorrow, I think.’

He lay back on the bed. ‘Thank God.’ The relief in his voice made her cheeks burn.

‘What about emergency contraception?’ she whispered, her mind trying to cling to practicalities. ‘Is there somewhere near here we could get it?’ The thought of taking the morning-after pill, something she’d never had to do before, made her stomach clench.

‘You’d probably need a prescription,’ he said, so matter-of-factly it made her heart pound.

‘Oh.’ She sat up, disorientated. ‘It doesn’t matter. It’ll probably be fine,’ she said, the words catching in her throat. ‘I can get it from a pharmacy in the UK—perhaps I should arrange a flight just in case.’ They hadn’t talked about when she would leave. Why hadn’t they talked about it? It suddenly seemed vitally important. ‘I’ll look into that now.’ She swung her feet off the bed, struggling for calm as she pulled on her robe.

He caught her arm as she tried to stand. ‘You’re being irrational. There’s no need to book a flight.’ He paused. ‘I’ll get the jet to take you.’ He caressed the inside of her elbow with his thumb. ‘But let’s wait till tomorrow.’

The quiet comment brought with it a rush of excitement that made no sense at all.

This was silly. She should leave—sooner rather than later after their little accident—so why was she so pleased with the casual offer?

‘But we only agreed to a couple of days.’ She should go. Why didn’t she want to?

He brushed her hair behind her ear. ‘We did something stupid, that’s all. You said yourself it probably won’t lead to anything.’ He tucked his index finger under her chin.

She tried to rein in her galloping heartbeat. His eyes were full of an intensity she’d never seen before.

‘Don’t worry. We’ll sort it out if we need do.’ His deep, steady voice was reassuring, the stroke of his hand on her hair making her heart-rate slow to a canter.