His face looked hard, intent in the shadows, as his deft fingers freed her breasts from the confining lace of her bra.

‘You’re beautiful, Issy’ he said, his voice low and strained as one rough fingertip traced over her nipple. ‘I want to look at you properly. Let’s turn on the light.’

She shook her head, mute with longing and panic. ‘Please—I like it dark,’ she said, hoping she sounded as if she knew what she was talking about.

‘Okay,’ he said. ‘But next time we do it my way.’ Her heart soared at the mention of next time, and then he bent his head and captured the pebble-hard nipple in his teeth.

A sob escaped as sensation raw and hot arrowed down to her core. She arched up, bucked under him as he suckled. Damp heat gushed between her thighs.

Her hands fisted in the sheets as she tried to cling to sanity. Tried to stop herself from shattering into a billion pieces.

‘Open your legs for me, bella.’ The urgent whisper penetrated, and her knees relaxed to let his palm cup her core.

Strong fingers probed, stroked, caressed, touching and then retreating. She cried out, begged, until he stayed right at the centre of ecstasy. The wave rose with shocking speed, and then slammed into her with the force and fury of a tsunami.

She struggled to find focus, to claw her way back to consciousness as hot hands held her hips. He loomed above her in the darkness. ‘Dammit, Issy, I can’t wait. Is that okay?’

She couldn’t register his meaning, but nodded as he fumbled with something in the darkness. Then she felt it—huge, unyielding but soft as velvet, spearing through her swollen flesh. A heavy thrust brought sharp, rending pain. She strained beneath him, a choking sob lodged in her throat.

He stopped, tried to draw out. ‘Issy, what the—?’

‘Please, don’t stop.’ She gasped the plea, gripping shoulders tight with bunched muscle. ‘It doesn’t hurt.’ And it didn’t. Not any more. The overwhelming pressure, the stretched feeling, had become a pulsing ache, clamouring for release.

He swore, but pressed back in slowly, carefully. Her hands slipped on slick skin, hard sinew, her jagged breathing matching the relentless thrusts. She heard his harsh grunts, her own sobs of release as the tsunami built to another bold crescendo, threatening so much more than before. Her scream of release echoed in her head as the final wave crashed, exploding through her as she hurtled over the top.

‘For God’s sake, Issy. You were a bloody virgin.’

Her eyelids fluttered open—and the bedside light snapped on, blinding her.

‘I know.’ She threw her arm up to cover her eyes, registering his temper. What had she done?

Tremors racked her body as afterglow turned neatly to aftershock.

‘Shh. Calm down.’ The hammer-beats of his heart thudded against her ear as he settled her head on his chest, gathered her close. ‘I’m sorry, Iss. Stop shaking.’ He brushed the locks from her brow. ‘Are you okay? Did I hurt you?’

She opened her eyes. The soft light illuminated his features clearly. Love swept through her, more intense, more real than ever before as she saw the worry, the concern.

A smile spread as euphoria leaped in her chest. ‘Yes, I’m okay.’ She snuggled into his embrace and sighed. Despite the soreness between her legs, she’d never felt more complete, more wonderful in her life. ‘I never dreamed it could be that amazing.’

He shifted back. Holding her chin, he lifted her face. ‘Wait a minute. I asked you.’ His eyes narrowed. ‘Why didn’t you tell me the truth?’

‘I don’t…I don’t understand,’ she stammered, chilling as he took his arm from around her and sat up.

Whipping back the sheet, he turned his back to her and stood up. As he paced across the room, the sight of his naked body had the heat between her thighs sizzling back to life. But then she noticed the sharp, irritated movements as he yanked on his jeans, pulled on the T-shirt.

‘Is something wrong?’ she asked, her pulse stuttering. She clasped the sheet to her chest. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. This was the moment when they were supposed to declare their undying love for each other.

He twisted round, sent her a look that had colour rising in her cheeks.

‘I asked you if you were a virgin.’ The harsh tone made her flinch. ‘Why did you lie?’

‘I…’ Had he asked? She gave her head a quick shake. ‘I don’t…I didn’t mean to lie.’

‘Sure you did.’ He flung the words over his shoulder as he grabbed a bag from the closet, swept the few personal items on top of the dresser into it. He ripped open the top drawer, scooped out his clothes, shoved them in too. The tense movements radiated controlled anger.

Tears stung her eyes, swelled in her throat. ‘Please, Gio, I don’t understand. What are you doing?’

‘I’m leaving. What does it look like?’ He slashed the zipper closed.