‘I prefer straight talk when it comes to sex.’ The gruff tone scraped across her already overstimulated nerve endings like sandpaper. ‘But who the hell knew it could be such a turn-on?’

He cradled her cheek and she jerked her head back, not liking the approval in his gaze any more than she appreciated the tender stroke of his fingertips.

‘I’m serious,’ she said, trying to disguise the hitch in her breathing and not get distracted as his fingers trailed down to roll her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. ‘I don’t do anal.’ Or at least she hadn’t yet, and while she might be open to the prospect now, she didn’t plan to do a training run tonight with something that gargantuan.

The moron who had said size didn’t matter had clearly never been confronted with this situation.

His hand settled on her hip. ‘That’s good, ’cause neither do I.’ Relief gushed between her thighs at the unequivocal statement. ‘Now shut up, relax and stop panicking.’

She grinned despite herself. ‘Bossy, much, O’Neill?’

After Henry, she’d promised herself she would never get bossed around in bed again. But why should it matter with Brent? They weren’t in a relationship; they were bonk buddies for one night only. And bending to Brent’s will felt playful and exciting—instead of humiliating.

‘Haven’t you heard?’ The mocking smile seemed annoyingly endearing as he shoved her into the sofa cushions. ‘Bossy is the new hot.’ His thumb glided down between her breasts, skimmed the sensitive skin of her belly, circling her belly button before sinking into the curls guarding her sex. His eyes met hers as his thumb finally parted the slick folds of her sex and glided over the swollen bud. ‘Time to suck on this stiff little clit.’

It wasn’t a request, it was a demand, but as his fingers teased and provoked, swirling at the perfect spot, her knees parted, the invitation obvious. And she nodded.

He grinned, the boyish excitement making her picture a kid who had been let loose in a sweet factory.

Shifting onto his knees, he stroked open palms down her thighs to press her legs even farther apart and hold her open. Instead of feasting, though, he breathed in, his nose skimming the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.

‘Damn, you smell awesome.’ His thumbs angled down and her heartbeat pounded against her ribcage like a pneumatic drill. He licked his lips, raising his eyebrows at her, his face alight with amusement, anticipation. Spreading her folds, he gazed adoringly at her. ‘Will you look at that, all pink and wet, especially for me.’

His enthusiasm took her arousal to fever pitch. The guy obviously had some sort of fetish, but if ever there was a fetish a woman could get behind, this had to be the one.

‘I’m going to lick every delicious inch of you.’

‘Be my guest,’ she urged, her voice a high-pitched croak, which would have been mortifying but for the fact all coherent thought had fled. ‘But could you get a move on before I pass out.’

He chuckled, obviously enjoying her desperation.

She bucked as his tongue touched her leg at last and trailed upwards to lick the sensitive seam of flesh where her thigh met her torso. Sensation shimmered, her pulse hammering her collar-bone like a woodpecker on speed, adrenaline making her limbs hum with tension. A low moan escaped as he lapped at the lips of her sex.

Her skin flushed hot, her muscles going lax, liquid.

‘Cup your breasts and squeeze your nipples for me.’

She obeyed the rumbled command without question this time.

‘Harder. I want those nipples puckered up like bullets.’

She did it, moaning as his clever, inventive tongue flicked backwards and forwards, teasing, torturing the already tender nub. One thick finger entered her, stroking, probing, rubbing the walls of her sex. Then another, stretching her wide as his tongue swirled, steadily, relentlessly.

‘Faster,’ she begged, pumping her hips to meet the torturous laps of his tongue, desperate to increase the pace.

But he held her down, obviously not in any hurry.

Just as she thought she would go mad from desperation, his lips fastened on the swollen bud and he suckled. She tried to jump off the cushions, shouting out as she soared upwards. He bore down, holding her immobile, her thighs spread, her folds open and vulnerable as he feasted. She crashed over at last, but couldn’t come down or regroup before he began to tease, to torture again. The wave rolled back to crest again, and again, until her moans became sobs, the pleasure unstoppable, addictive, relentless.

‘You have to stop,’ she groaned, grasping his head, trying to pull his mouth away. ‘I can’t stop coming,’ she cried, caught in a vortex, her mind drifting into a new, unexplored realm where pain and pleasure collided.

‘Once more,’ he demanded, fastening his lips on the yearning bud again. She bucked, shuddered, the broken shout echoing as she tumbled through that final barrier.

She collapsed, her whole body shuddering as he released her. She felt hollowed out, exhausted, limp with a shaky sense of vulnerability.

She watched in a daze as he smiled at her, then winked. ‘Delicious, as expected.’

She struggled up to prop herself on her elbows, naked and trembling. Emotion rushed towards her, a huge lump swelling in her throat, and she had the sudden urge to cry. No man had ever made her come like that, with such selfless devotion, as if he knew exactly what she needed and wanted nothing more than to give it to her.