‘You only met yesterday?’

Ruby felt the blush stain her neck. Oops. Looked as if she’d blown her stunt girlfriend cover. She lowered her fork. ‘Actually, yes.’

She heard a low groan from Cal but refused to look at him. She’d never agreed to lie. And having met Maddy, she was glad the other woman knew the truth. Cal’s sister was warm, generous and remarkably friendly and she wouldn’t feel right pretending to mean more to Cal than she did.

‘But that’s terrific!’ Maddy laughed. ‘You only met my brother yesterday and yet he brought you down with him.’ She handed Ruby the salad bowl. ‘You two must have really hit it off.’

Cal coughed strategically. ‘Maddy, do me a favour and don’t start picking out the wedding china just yet.’

‘But, Cal, you’ve got to admit this is significant.’ She patted Cal’s cheek, obviously enjoying teasing him. ‘Ruby’s the first woman you’ve agreed to spend six hours in a car with. Which means you must have actually talked to her.’

Ruby relaxed, intrigued by the mention of Cal’s love life and amused by his sister’s assessment.

Maddy sent Ruby a conspiratorial wink. ‘I think it’s great. Do you know you’re the first girlfriend he’s ever brought to meet us?’

Cal scowled over his dinner and Ruby felt the swell of pleasure. He’d been her first one-night stand, it was good to know she’d have some significance for him too when they parted. She smiled at Maddy. ‘So how many girlfriends has Cal had?’

‘Billions, I’m afraid,’ Maddy responded playfully. ‘But I’m sure he’s never had a proper conversation with any of them. Until you.’

‘Do you two mind? I’m sitting right here,’ Cal announced grumpily.

‘I know you are…’ Maddy swivelled round to face her brother, the teasing smile disappearing. ‘And for the first time in six months. Despite my endless invites. Why is that?’

Ruby had to give Cal’s sister credit, it was a neatly delivered non sequitur.

Cal gave a tense shrug. ‘I’ve been busy.’

‘So you say.’ Maddy sighed.

Rye covered his wife’s hand. ‘Why don’t you tell Cal the news, now you’ve managed to get him here?’ he said, lightly.

If he was trying to distract his wife, it worked. Maddy gripped his fingers, her smile returning full force.

‘What news?’ Cal asked, sounding wary.

Maddy rested a hand on her midriff, her face beaming with that fierce combination of pride and hope that had captivated Ruby in the kitchen. ‘You’re going to be an uncle again.’

Instead of looking pleased, Cal’s expression barely changed. ‘I see.’

There was a short silence, then Maddy gave a hollow laugh. ‘Is that all you have to say?’

He put down his knife and fork. ‘I suppose congratulations are in order.’

If Ruby had ever heard of a more grudging congratulations she couldn’t think of one.

‘You suppose?’ Although masked by annoyance, the hurt and confusion in Maddy’s voice were clear. Ruby stared, astonished at Cal’s lukewarm reaction. It was almost as if he wasn’t happy about the news.

‘When’s the baby due?’ Ruby interrupted, hoping to cut through the tension as Cal simply stared at his sister. That his usual articulacy had completed deserted him also seemed significant.

Maddy gathered herself, forcing the smile back in place. ‘By our calculation, it’s due in about seven months. Which will make it a spring baby.’

‘Have you told Mia yet?’

Maddy shook her head, blinking away the suspicious sheen in her eyes. ‘No, not yet,’ she said dully.

‘We’re not kidding ourselves,’ Rye added, helping Ruby out. ‘Mia’s going to love the idea of a baby brother or sister, but once they start playing with her toys we’re going to have World War Three on our hands. At the moment Mia’s king of the hill around here and boy does she know it.’

‘I can’t wait to meet her,’ Ruby said and meant it. She’d always adored children; they were endlessly fascinating and at Mia’s age impossibly cute. And Mia sounded like quite a character.