If he’d paid more attention he could have spent the rest of the weekend availing himself of Ruby Delisantro’s considerable charms. But now he was forced to make a choice between doing what he wanted or doing what he felt obliged to do—which would mean a six-hour drive down to Cornwall and then spending the rest of his weekend off getting bombarded with relationship advice he didn’t want from his sister.

He pushed off the couch, pulled his hands out of his pockets and rubbed his palms down his face.

‘Damn it!’

He loved his sister, and, however suspicious he might be of the new, improved and blissfully happy Maddy—and however much he might hate getting pushed into doing something he didn’t want to do—he’d heard the plea in her voice.

He made his way down the corridor. Realising there was another problem.

If he left for Cornwall, what did he do about Ruby?

He caught her scent as he passed the open bathroom door and the memory of her full lips on his erect flesh brought a pulse of heat so intense, the problem came into sharp vivid focus. He still wanted her. And not just in bed. She’d captivated him today while they were on the Heath. She was bright, beautiful and remarkably forthright, her mental agility challenging him every step of the way. And best of all, she’d been quick to agree with him that she wasn’t looking for anything more than great sex and good company.

She still wasn’t his type. She was far too unpredictable for that. And as much fun as they’d had together he doubted she’d settle for being his playmate for long. Sooner or later she would have expectations. But that didn’t alter the fact that he didn’t want to let her walk. Not while she was still willing to play.

He glanced at the clock on the wall. Two o’clock. If he decided to go, he had an hour before he would have to leave. Question was, did that give him enough time to finesse Ruby into agreeing to another wild night when he got back? A slow grin lifted his lips. With her naked and in his bed, and given his superior powers of persuasion, the odds had to be in his favour.

Thrusting open the bedroom door, he came to an abrupt halt, the grin flat-lining. What was she doing out of bed, with her clothes mostly on, her hair damp and her shoulders twisted as if she were trying to contort herself into a pretzel?

Seeing him, she huffed and dropped her arms, then gathered the wet strands of hair into a bunch, flicked them over her shoulder. ‘Could you zip me up? I’d have to dislocate a shoulder to do it myself.’

‘You’re dressed,’ he said, dully. ‘And you’ve had a shower.’ He knew he was stating the obvious, but… What the hell was going on?

‘I’ve got to shoot off.’ Her voice was frigid, the sultry, sexy warmth of ten minutes before gone.

‘Since when?’ he asked, not liking the feeling of confusion—or the way his heart had kicked up a beat.

She bent to wiggle her toes into her shoes. ‘Since now.’ She dipped her head to her shoulder. ‘So could you please do the honours?’

He stayed where he was. He could hear irritation and frustration, but there was something else beneath it. He didn’t like that either.

‘Is there a problem here?’ he asked. ‘Because if there is I’d like to know what it is.’

‘The problem is I’m leaving and I can’t do it with my dress half off. So do you mind?’

He crossed to her, pulled her round to face him. ‘Yeah, actually I do. You’re pissed off. And I’d like to know why.’

Was she annoyed that he’d left her to go answer the call to his sister? The reaction seemed petty and childish and nothing like the woman he’d spent the day with. But then, how well did he really know her?

‘I’d like to leave, please.’ That wasn’t just impatience he could see in her eyes, it was accusation.

‘Why? You were pretty damn keen to stay a few minutes ago. What’s changed?’

‘You have.’ Her eyes narrowed and he saw temper and disappointment. ‘You’re not the man I thought you were.’

‘I beg your pardon?’

‘You heard me.’ She marched past him, obviously giving up on her dress.

He took her arm, hauled her back. ‘Humour me. I want an explanation.’ No way was he letting her walk off without one.

‘Fine.’ She jerked her arm out of his, pushed her chin up. ‘I don’t like the way you talked to your sister. It was unnecessarily cruel. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to be rejected like that by someone you love. And believe me, it’s not pleasant. So in the interests of sisterly solidarity, I’m leaving.’

‘Sisterly…?’ He was so stunned at the outburst, he had to grab her again before she got out of the door. ‘Hang on a damn minute.’

‘Let go of my arm.’

‘For one,’ he said, tightening his grip, ‘she’s not your sister. In fact, you don’t even know Maddy. So why the hell do you even care how I talk to her?’ He could have added it was none of her business and she shouldn’t have been eavesdropping in the first place, but he decided to let that pass. Seeing the mutinous expression on her face, he was more interested in knowing where the hell this was all coming from.