Reaching across, he brushed one errant curl behind her ear. The flash of reaction as she shifted away from his touch captivated him. She really was a bunch of contradictions, both bold and cautious, experienced and yet strangely untouched.

‘I should probably go home,’ she said.

He smiled to himself. Did she really think he was going to let her leave that easily?

‘Now why would you want to do that?’ He curled his hand round her neck and felt the hammer thuds of her pulse as he stroked his thumb under her chin. ‘We’ve only just got started.’

‘Oh, come on,’ she scoffed. ‘You can’t seriously be capable of doing it again so soon?’

‘That sounds like a challenge.’ He swept his hand down to her bottom. ‘And I should give you fair warning, I always rise to a challenge.’

She laughed incredulously.

But as he caressed the soft, scented flesh and heard her indrawn breath even he was a little astonished by his reaction. He hadn’t had powers of recovery this phenomenal since he’d been a teenager.

Go for it, Westmore, this is going to be a night to remember.

Her eyebrows shot up as she glanced down at his hardening flesh.

‘We’ll end up killing each other,’ she remarked, the hushed tone of voice contradicted somewhat by the impish smile as she touched his erection with the tip of her finger.

‘Quite possibly,’ he groaned.

She gave a husky laugh as she drew her finger down the length of him.

‘But I can’t think of a better way to go,’ he added, his rigid flesh pulsing against her palm as she began to torment him in earnest.


RUBY’s eyelids fluttered open, then snapped shut, the blaze of sunlight searing her retinas.

She tried again, prising open one lid, then the other, and discovered a strange bedroom—which was about three times the size of the two rooms she rented in Tufnell Park.

Floor-to-ceiling French doors stood partially open, giving a panoramic view of Hampstead Heath, the dried summer grass and ancient woodland stretching up Parliament Hill into the distance. A gush of wind made her skin pebble. Then she spotted her dress draped over a leather chair, one heel lying on its side on the polished wood flooring and her lace bra hanging from the fronds of a potted Yucca plant. She groaned, her endless night of debauchery flooding back in lurid detail like an X-rated movie playing in vivid technicolor.

She hadn’t just fallen off the wagon last night, she’d flung herself head first off a cliff.

She winced, abruptly aware of the many intimate parts of her body that ached where she’d hit the ground, hard. The low murmur of deep breathing had her risking a peek over her shoulder. Lifting up on one elbow, she studied the face of the man beside her hogging most of the bed.

In the dappled sunlight, his tanned skin and the shadow of stubble on his chin gave his impossibly handsome features a dark, pagan beauty. Thick lashes touched high, hollow cheekbones, and those sensual lips—which had driven her to ecstasy too many times to count—were now partially open, the rumble of his breathing stopping just short of a snore.

She bit back another groan at the pulse of reaction in her sex.

Callum Westmore. AKA Super-stud.

No wonder the man was in a coma. They’d been at it all night. And not just during the night—the last time he’d forced her over that final edge before they both collapsed into an exhausted sleep, dawn had been breaking, the golden haze of sunrise gilding his skin to a burnished bronze.

Edging into a sitting position, Ruby shifted over to ease out from under the warm, heavily muscled thigh that had her legs pinned to the bed. The blue Egyptian cotton duvet slipped off his backside, and the sight of tight, beautifully sculpted buttocks sent another jolt of heat through her abused system.

She gritted her teeth. Good grief, wasn’t she sore enough already?

Scooting off the bed, she gathered up her scattered clothing and tiptoed across the room in search of a bathroom, her need to pee almost as urgent as her need to get away from the object of her downfall before she did something really reckless. Like wake him up and ask for a repeat performance. Although it was difficult to imagine how much more reckless she could be after all the things she’d let him do to her last night.

The en suite bathroom was glaringly modern and expertly designed, the gleaming steel units, granite tiles, glass-brick shower cubicle and stone tub as defiantly masculine as their owner. After taking care of the toilet emergency, she searched until she found a pile of white towelling robes, all neatly folded.The fresh scent of laundry soap and fabric conditioner masked the musty scent of sex and man that clung to her skin.

Ruby hummed with pleasure as she thrust her arms into the robe. In spite of having the marauding tendencies of a Scottish Warlord, Callum Westmore clearly appreciated the creature comforts. She hissed as she belted the robe, the soft towelling like sandpaper as it touched her chest.

Opening the lapels, she gaped at the reddened skin.