She’d analyse all this later. Her unprecedented response to him had to be a fluke of chemistry—and the result of his considerable proficiency in the bedroom. The man had said he was talented. He hadn’t lied.

But then the mattress dipped as he knelt on the bed beside her, and her gaze devoured the lean musculature of his torso. He was even more gorgeous naked if that were possible. The slight sprinkle of hair defined well-developed pecs and bisected an awesome six-pack. He must work out. A lot. Her gaze followed the arrow down and then stopped dead. The unfamiliar blush burned across her cheeks like wildfire.

Oh, my goodness.

The massive erection stood out proudly from the thatch of dark hair at his groin as she watched him sheath himself. Her jaw went slack. While she was coming to appreciate Callum Westmore’s talents, she hadn’t expected him to be quite that talented.

‘Wow,’ she said, before she could think better of it.

The deep rumble of laughter sounded both self-satisfied and amused—and she realised she’d given him the upper hand. Again.

Holding her waist, he shifted her neatly beneath him. ‘I’m glad you approve.’

She braced her hands on his chest, felt the muscles quiver like a stallion ready to mate. ‘No need to look so full of it,’ she quipped, trying to regain ground while her sex ached with need. ‘Don’t you know size doesn’t matter?’

He chuckled, brushed her hair back from her face, then nipped her ear lobe, sending a shaft of heat to her core. ‘Luckily for us both, then,’ he whispered, ‘I also know exactly what I’m doing.’

She couldn’t help it, she giggled, the audacious comment making her abdomen tremble with anticipation.

I’ll just bet you do.

Her fingers caressed the bunched muscles of his shoulder blades and fisted in the short hair at his nape.

‘Talk is cheap, Westmore,’ she teased, pulling him down. The comforting weight of him anchored her to the mattress. ‘Where’s the proof?’

He didn’t need to be asked twice.

She panted, sobbed, adjusting to the aching fullness as he lodged deep inside her in one long, solid


Establishing a rhythm, he forced her to take the full measure of him. She wrapped her legs round his waist, held on to sweat-slicked shoulders as she moved with him. His answering grunts rasped in her ears as the brutal heat eddied up from her toes, shimmering through her body and washing over her in ever growing waves of pleasure so intense she fought to hold them back—clinging to the wild need to make him shatter first.

He shifted suddenly, pressed one hot palm to her midriff, then found her clitoris with seeking fingers.

‘No, don’t,’ she cried. But it was too late. His knowing fingers triggered the wild cry of release as another mind-blowing orgasm slammed into her with the force of a fist.

She could barely hear his harsh shout as he crashed over the same brutal edge a few seconds later. Cal braced himself on unsteady arms and drew out, groaning as her body released him. He rolled onto his back, grateful that he’d managed to avoid collapsing on top of her.

That had been incredible. He cursed under his breath. Not incredible, more like mind-altering.

He twisted round to stare at the woman beside him. She was staring back at him, her chocolate-brown eyes glazed and unfocused, as if she’d survived a war.

He knew how she felt. His skin felt tight, his mind fuzzy and his groin still hurt from the intensity of his orgasm.

He was a big fan of spectacular sex. But that had been a little too spectacular. He’d never experienced anything like it before. And he wasn’t altogether keen on surprises. They tended to be a lot harder to control.

She puffed out a gentle breath, an uncertain smile lifting the corner of her mouth.

‘I guess you proved it,’ she said.

‘Proved what?’

‘You do know what you’re doing.’

He huffed out a laugh, the reluctant compliment breaking the tension. ‘Thanks. I aim to please.’

He pushed the uneasiness to one side. What was the big problem? Yeah, the orgasm had been intense, but it was only to be expected, given how worked up he’d been, and how beautifully she responded to him. Plus when she’d revealed what she had downstairs—that before now she’d had to instruct guys on the fine art of the female orgasm—his competitive instinct had kicked in.