‘Don’t worry, I would have chucked it out the window if necessary,’ she said gasping as his lips worked their magic on her pulse point, and his wide, callused capable hands lifted her dress and sunk into her knickers.

She hissed, as one blunt finger found the slick seam of her sex.

‘Jesus, you’re so wet.’ He groaned.

‘I’m sorry …’ she began, not sure why she was apologising.

‘Don’t be. I want to taste you all over now.’

‘Then do …’ she murmured, past caring if she sounded needy. She wanted this to happen before he changed his mind. She didn’t know what had upset him today to make him so eager, so intense. Because something had definitely upset him – he seemed different. Urgent, reckless, on edge. Not the smart, stable, painfully pragmatic guy she’d come to know. But she liked the new Luke, a lot, when he groaned loudly, then found the zipper on the back of her dress and inched it down.

The bodice drooped to her waist revealing the red lace bra she’d worn that day – and his groan became a moan.

‘Holy shit …’ he murmured, as he traced a reverent thumb along the edge of the half-cup were her ample cleavage swelled against the lace.

Sensation prickled and glowed as her nipples gathered into tight peaks.

Thank goodness she’d upped her lingerie game ever since Luke had become a regular visitor to The Royale. She’d never expected him to see this stuff but it had made her feel confident to wear it around him.

She felt more than confident now, she felt invincible as he stripped off the dress. ‘You’ll have to turn around,’ he said. ‘I’m not one of those Bond-like guys who can unhook a bra one handed.’

‘I can do it.’ She reached behind her back, ready to do the honours.

But he touched her arm. ‘No, let me.’ The quiver of desperation in his voice pumped her already oversized ego. ‘I’ve been dreaming of unwrapping you since your boiler broke.’

All right, then. She dropped her arms, turned around and waited.

He fumbled for a few seconds, then the tight band under her breasts released. She sighed, the sigh of every well-endowed woman at the end of a long day. Her arms dropped, letting the bra slide down. Then the sigh guttered into a sob, when he covered her full breasts from behind, lifting and caressing them, tweaking the pebbled nipples.

She turned back to wrap her arms around his neck. She just wanted to hold him, for a moment. She threaded her fingers into his hair and their mouths fused again. More urgent, more desperate.

At last he pulled back, his breath coming in ragged pants. ‘I need to get naked,’ he said, his gaze devouring her quivering flesh. ‘Like, yesterday.’

‘Yes, you do.’ She grinned, so elated she thought she might burst.

She crossed her arms over her breasts, shivering despite the warm evening, as she watched him strip in the moonlight.

He hopped around on one foot then the other, tugging off his boots without undoing the laces. He wrestled off his shirt, then grappled with his T-shirt and flung it away.

As he bent his head to concentrate on unbuttoning his fly, the shudder of satisfaction echoed through her whole body.

Oh, my. His chest and shoulders were a work of art. The muscles defined, solid but not over pumped. He was tanned all over, a result of his Italian-American heritage she guessed, but the slight darkening on his arms where he wore his T-shirt on a sunny day made her heart lift. Of course, her Luke would have work muscles, not gym muscles.

Her Luke?

He’s not yours Rubes, this is probably just a one-time deal.

She dismissed the prickle of pragmatism – nothing was going to dampen her joy tonight, not even her common sense – and followed the happy trail of dark hair that spread across his nipples as it arrowed through his abs.

She watched transfixed and increasingly breathless as he lowered his jeans and kicked them off.

Straightening, he stood in front of her, and her avid gaze snagged on the thick outline of his erection, stretching his boxer briefs.

She choked out a sob as her lung function stalled.

Oh, my days. He’s packing some serious heft.

Even though she knew size wasn’t really important, because she’d had a boyfriend who was hung like a horse once before and he’d used his penis like a battering ram, the sight of Luke Devlin’s enormous erection encased in black cotton was so erotic every one of her pulse points rejoiced.