‘C’est quoi ça?’ Maxim’s shout rang across the fields, the trickle of irritation turning into a flood of volcanic rage. ‘I never sanctioned such a thing.’

Someone at Brocard et Fils, his solicitors, had released the details of the affidavit he’d signed this morning to the press? The lava rose up his chest like a fire-breathing dragon, threatening to blow his head off. He threw the last of the twine to Victor, who caught it one-handed. ‘Finish this, Victor. I must go.’

The estate manager nodded.

Maxim stalked across the fields towards his vehicle, his fury building with every step.

‘But if you didn’t sanction it, who did?’ Carson asked, running to keep up with his long strides.

‘I don’t know but I will find out,’ he snarled through gritted teeth.

Reaching the SUV, he jumped into the driver’s side, the fury firing through his veins at the imbecile who had done this—but right behind it was the dread making his stomach heave towards his throat.

/> Cara.

As uncomfortable as he had been taking the nuclear option to make her see the reality of her position, and his, he had never intended to publicly humiliate her. And having the details of their first night together—details he had given in confidence to his attorney—become the subject of a media storm would do exactly that.

He had seen the shame in her eyes last night as she sat in the bathroom. Shame which made no sense. She had been innocent. In fact, the chemistry between them had been so strong, neither one of them would have been able to deny it for long. What had happened was inevitable. And it had been good, for both of them. Very good, despite her inexperience. So good he hadn’t been able to stop thinking of having her in his bed again.

His fingers flexed on the steering wheel.

Was that the real reason he had taken action this morning to force her hand? Not because he wanted to ensure no pregnancy occurred from their night together, but because he wanted her?

He shook off the thought as he hunted for the car keys in the glovebox.

No, that was madness. However much he might want her, it was only sexual desire. And sexual desire always died.

But as he jammed his keys into the SUV’s transmission, the memory of Cara’s wary expression the night before clouded his vision. He could picture her now, her hands clasped in her lap while he washed her as gently as he could, and examined the red skin where he had bruised her during their furious coupling. And for the first time in a long time his stomach dropped, and his heart rammed his throat.

He recognised the feeling as the same one that had pursued him for years after he’d left Burgundy. Guilt.

He turned on the ignition, swung his head round to start backing down the track, and hit the gas.

Carson jumped back as the dirt sprayed his suit and the SUV lurched into reverse.

Maxim swung the vehicle round and sped down the track, heading for the back road that led through his property towards de la Mare’s estate.

Towards La Maison de la Lune.

And mentally prepared himself to do something he hadn’t done since the morning he had told his mother he was leaving Burgundy...

Apologise to a woman.

He arrived at La Maison ten minutes later, to find a local news crew outside that looked to be in the process of packing up their equipment.

As soon as he stepped out of the car, the reporter rushed towards him with a microphone in her fist, the cameraman not far behind. She shoved the microphone in his face, firing a string of questions at him about his scandalous ‘tryst’ with Madame de la Mare.

‘Sans commentaires,’ he snapped, brushing them aside before pounding on the door of the farmhouse. ‘Cara, open the door. I need to speak to you.’

After five agonising minutes the door opened, and Marcel Caron glared at him.

‘You? What are you doing here? Haven’t you caused enough...’

‘Tais-toi!’ He cut the lawyer’s diatribe off, then barged past him to slam the door shut. ‘I have no wish to give those parasites more to talk about,’ he continued in English, just in case the bastards could record them through the door.

‘I find your sudden discretion hard to believe,’ the lawyer sneered back, keeping the conversation in English. ‘Given the damage you have already...’

‘Where’s Cara?’ he demanded as he stalked past the lawyer. He didn’t have time for the guy’s micro-aggressions.