He grins and answers, "Yes." So I pull it over his head. He is smooth and hard lines, dips and grooves. I run my hands over every inch, and then my lips follow. Our mouths meet in our exploration. His heart covers mine, flesh to flesh, beat to beat. I swear they are talking, communicating, conspiring, belonging. Light pumps through them and into every cell of my being.

When I reach for his button, I hesitate, seeking permission. But before I can ask, he answers. "Not yet." Instead, he lays beside me and cradles me against his chest and I listen to his heart pound against my ear.

"I trust you too," I tell him and kiss the spot where his heart tells me the truth.

As the beast lay dead upon the forest floor, Thaylina bent down over his body. She did not see a handsome face, or a charming smile. Only the truth of what he truly was, a horrific monster. She lowered her mouth to his deadened ear and hissed, "I wanted this."

I groan at the annoying wanting to stay lost in my dream--flashes of fireflies and ... well, Grant.

Please come to the front office of the administration building immediately.

That's not a good message to wake up to.

Within a second, my thoughts jump to my mother. That she's hurt or sick or something bad has happened.

I scramble out of bed, still disoriented, and start throwing on clothes. With my shirt half over my head, it occurs to me that maybe they have my drug results. My movements slow. Isn't it too soon for the results? I've never had a blood test before, but it seems fast.

Whatever the reason, I'm pretty sure it's going to suck. And as soon as I enter Dr. Kendall's black and white throne room, I'm positive it is.

Seated in front of her desk is Niall. And standing off to the side, looking miserable with his arms crossed, is Mr. Garner. He flashes his eyes to me quickly before continuing to scowl at the floor.

Niall stands when I enter, his expression stoic and controlled as usual. And Dr. Kendall has her lips pursed, accentuating the expression lines around her mouth, cracking her plastic veneer.

I look from one to the other and am tempted to walk back out of the room.

"Have a seat, Miss Peri," Dr. Kendall instructs, her sugary demeanor cast aside.


Niall remains standing until I'm seated. I shift uncomfortably, waiting for my world to end.

"Let's get right to it," Dr. Kendall says, folding her hands on top of her desk. "It's been reported that you were off-campus without the required chaperone last night."

I close my eyes and silently curse. Seriously?! I just had the most amazing night of my life, and I'm getting punished for it. What the hell, karma? What did I do to deserve this ... this time?

"We understand that you were released early from work, but instead of coming directly back to the school, you were ... somewhere else for several hours."

"But I returned at the same time as everyone else," I say in weak defense. "And I didn't do anything wrong during that time."

"That's up for interpretation," she snaps. "You are given specific guidelines to adhere to for your safety. And one of those stipulations is that you are not to leave campus unaccompanied except when you're at work."

I want to argue that I was accompanied, but bringing Grant into this, no matter how stellar his character, isn't the best idea. The last thing I want is to get him into trouble ... because they believe I need a fricken babysitter. And that sitter actively violates the code daily. But Lance isn't at fault either. It's their stupid logic that's to blame.

"Right," I say. "I screwed up. I left work. I didn't come directly back here. I wasn't with an approved chaperone. But I also didn't steal, take drugs, have sex, or get in a fight. That's an improvement, right? I'm sure Mr. Garner will agree that it's a huge step in the right direction for me."

Mr. Garner clears his throat, to smother a laugh that's trying to escape. Dr. Kendall shoots him a scathing glance. Niall just breathes in deep and releases it through his nose.

"The fact that you didn't get arrested or impregnated is not a victory, Miss Peri," Dr. Kendall scolds.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty impressed with myself," I say with an arrogant shrug. Took that one right out of Brendan's handbook.

Dr. Kendall's face turns as red as her hair.


, this might be one of those times to practice the silence you're usually so good at," Niall advises calmly. "Dr. Kendall, I understand why the guidelines are in place and respect them. But Lana is admitting she made a poor choice, and she didn't participate in any transgressions while unsupervised. We have a reputable individual who can account for that, if necessary. So, what can we do to rectify this situation?"

I stare at Niall, my brow raised. Mr. Garner appears just as awed.