"I didn't know you worked at the club."

"I don't," she says, holding up her tote bag. When I still look confused, she explains. "I'm a member. I mean, my parents are members. Well, just about everyone's parents are members." I want to shake her to make her get to the point, but I continue to smile stiffly instead. "I'm going to the pool." She leans in like she's about to share a secret. "I usually go on Tuesdays but I found out Grant is lifeguarding today."

I nod slowly, stiff smile still in place, not recognizing this chatty version of Sophia. It's like she's hopped up on something ... then again. "How do you know that?"

"I have someone who works there make a copy of his schedule for me. I know, it sounds so sketch. But have you seen him? I mean, he is the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. And he's so nice. Seriously, the nicest person ever. You know him, right?"

Stiff smile. Nod.

She sits up straight in her seat, posture pin straight, smiling like a lunatic. I need some of those happy pills.

"I keep wanting to ask him out. But I can't even talk in front of him. Do you think he'd go to the Ever After Ball with me? I would die. Like, truly and completely, die."

"Who are we talking about?" Ashton bounces down in the seat in front of me.

Sophia shifts her eyes from Ashton to me, almost like she's asking my permission to reveal her crush.

She bites her lip and whispers, "Grant."

"Oh, right! How was that? I'm still pissed you didn't come to my room last night. Home by the stroke of my midnight, my little Cinderella." Ashton pats me on the head.

"Are you high already?" Sophia asks Ashton in a paranoid whisper, shifting her eyes around to make sure no one's listening.

"Sophia wants to ask Grant to the Ever After Ball," I intercept. Ashton's eyes grow wide in understanding.

"Do you think I should?" Sophia asks Ashton, looking all nervous and adorable.

"Um, I don't know. What do you think, Lana? I mean, you talk to him more than I do." She gives me her what the fuck look with a quick shake of her head. Sophia focuses on me, hope gleaming in her blown-pupil Bambi eyes.

"You never know," I say. "You may be perfect for him."

Ashton smacks me on the back of the head. "Sorry. You had a mosquito. Was going to suck out your brains and make you an idiot."

Ow, I mouth, glaring at Ashton.

"Do you think so?" Sophia squeals at my comment, ignoring Ashton's assault on me.

"Excuse us a sec, Sofe," Ashton says, pulling Sophia from her seat and shoving her up the aisle.

"Ashton!" I scold. She pushes her way into my seat and sticks her face right up in mine. "What the fuck--"

"--is wrong with you?!" she finishes in a hiss. "I adore that little pumpkin perfect, but she is not meant for Grant."

I roll my eyes. "It's not for me to decide."

"Did something happen? Was he pissed that you punched out some guy to protect him? Because I thought that was pretty hot. And I didn't think he had an ego that would get all pissy about a girl--"

"No, he wasn't mad. I mean, he didn't love seeing me get into a fight. But ..." I sigh. "Listening to Sophia go on about him made me question what the hell I'm doing. I am absolutely serious when I say I don't date. And if he wants that, it can't be with me. So, he needs to know he has options. I'm not an option."

"What are you then?"

"I'm ... me. No title. No commitment. No expectations. No emotional involvement."

"I thought you didn't lie," she snaps angrily and gets up, leaving me dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open. What just happened?

Ashton is assigned the bev cart with Rhett. I almost feel bad for him when she floors the cart and drives away in fury, bottles clanging on the shelves.

I get sentenced to toddler-hell with Kaely at The Deck concession stand because every mother with a child is at the pool today to gawk at Prince Philip atop his thrown. It's kind of disgusting the amount of drool happening, and I don't mean the toddlers.