She pulls open a drawer in her black lacquer desk and removes the books, pops the false bottom and pulls out a box. I grin. She is totally my favorite person right now. Ashton reveals a mini bong and a bag of weed.

"You get me," Lance says, holding out his fist for her to bump.

As Ashton's preparing the bong, Brendan pursues the lingering question. "You never told us what you got sent to juvie for." I glare at him because he knows. He grins his obnoxious taunting grin. I wonder if my hands will fit around his throat.

"Yeah, what were you busted for?" Lance asks, watching Ashton hungrily.

"Which time?"

All of their heads flip to stare at me ... again.

"Omigod, stop! I told you, I don't come from money!"

"How are you here?" Sophia asks, puzzled.

"Exactly," Brendan adds emphatically, like he's making a point.

"Your father," I say to Lance. "He got me in. I have no idea how, but I'm here. It's part of my plea agreement."

"For what?" Lance asks before tilting the flute to his lips.

"Armed robbery."

Lance chokes on his champagne.

"I mean, aiding and abetting in an armed robbery and obstruction after the fact."

"So you know who did it and wouldn't give them up?" Lance translates, understanding legal-speak.


They all nod in appreciation. I may have just earned a little respect.

"Who did it?" Brendan asks. I know what he's doing, asking these questions in front of everyone like I might feel pressured to share the details he doesn't know. I seriously want to strangle him.

"If I refused to tell the police to clear my name, why the hell would I tell you?"

"Because it doesn't matter anymore. You're already serving your time." Then he studies me, intently. "Oh. That's why."

"Why?" Sophia and Lance ask at the same time.

"Whoever it is has something on her."

"Not exactly," I admit. "It's complicated."

"The lies are always complicated. The truth never is."

"Wow, that's so deep," Lance says, tilting his head in reflection.

"Shut up, Brendan," I snap.

"Who's up first?" Ashton asks.

"Give it to me," Sophia demands, taking us all by surprise.

Ashton tells us she had the bench they're seated on custom built so she can sit and blow the smoke out the window. Genius.

"Your room is amazing," I admire continuing to notice details that capture her personality.