"I know," Brendan replies, like this all makes perfect sense. After a weighted silence, he says, "I would have killed him myself if someone else hadn't already."

I snap my head up and stare at him, questioning if I heard him right. He tilts his mouth into his notorious smirk and I shudder.

A knock breaks our connection.

"Here's one of your sworn protectors now," Brendan announces. As he walks to the door, he continues talking. "These Harrison men have all vowed to protect you, haven't they, Lana? It's a little strange if you ask me. You have your own legion of knights, all within one bloodline."

Before I can react, he swings the door open. "Sir William. Please do come in."

Joey enters, shooting Brendan a suspicious glance. When he spots me, a gorgeous, dimpled smile ignites. A jolt of electricity stirs in my gut. I know it's a lie. But my body doesn't seem to care.

I stand, and he walks toward me. "Hi."

"Hi," I say, looking directly into his brilliant blue eyes. I'm trapped within their gaze, unable to look away.

Joey brushes a hand along my cheek, and I inhale sharply.

"It's like you can't resist," Brendan observes in complete fascination. "It's a little disturbing."

The arrogant lilt of his voice breaks us apart.

"Uh, so," Joey clears his throat uncomfortably. "What is it you wanted to show me?"

Brendan retrieves the photograph from a hidden compartment beneath his roll-top desk. He hands it to Joey silently, like he's waiting to see how he'll react. I figure there's a reason for this, but then I remember Brendan has a thing for theatrics.

Joey examines it for a second. "Um, so, what am I looking at?"

"You tell me," Brendan insists. I roll my eyes.

"We don't know who everyone is," I explain. "We were hoping you could tell us."

Joey scans it again. "Well, you know my dad, my mother, and that's Parker." He points to each of them. "That's my Aunt Cassandra," he indicates the woman we didn't know, the only one who doesn't appear to be pregnant. "Um, I'm not sure who this is next to your mother." Joey looks up at me.

My gaze switches to Brendan. He nods, granting permission.

"That's Brendan's mother. She grew up on the island."

Joey directs his attention to Brendan. "Your mother?"

Brendan nods. Joey appears confused. Join the club.

"What about the other two?"

Joey narrows his eyes, like he's trying to place them. "Um, it's hard to tell who the woman is. The guy ... looks familiar. I've never met him, but ... I know I've seen him before. Maybe in other pictures." He pauses in contemplation. "I can't place him. Sorry."

"Do you know where this was taken?"

"Our family estate on Nantucket. My great-grandfather built the main house, and then my grandfather added houses for each of his children, so we could all vacation together."

"What are you, the Kennedys?" Brendan jeers. "Except your family's compound is on Nantucket instead of the Cape?" There's an undertone of hostility in his voice that draws my attention. Where is this coming from?

"Brendan," I say in warning, not wanting him to piss Joey off and keep him from cooperating. Brendan walks to the bar and pours himself a shot.

"Drink?" he offers Joey.

"No thanks," Joey replies.

"Do you know who this guy might be, the one cut off, running to get into the picture?"