Edward nodded, fully aware of where his priorities needed to be. “I quite agree, Lieutenant. However, recall that the spy who died stated very clearly that Miss Wells was the one that Ravel was seeking. It may be that, whatever she has is required in order for him to do whatever he has planned against the prince regent.”

“Something that is required in order for his plans to take place,” the lieutenant murmured thoughtfully, his eyes a little more fixed now. “Yes, that does make sense, Carroway.” He nodded again, now looking much more decisive. “It is right that you should pursue this Miss Wells then. Seek out what it is she has in any way you can, although do your utmost to ensure you do not reveal yourself to her.”

“Of course, I shall not,” Edward replied, knowing that he would need to keep the truth of his duties to himself. It was best for society as a whole that those involved were not known to them. “I have already arranged to call upon her this afternoon.”

The lieutenant looked pleased. “Wonderful,” he boomed, slapping Edward on the shoulder. “Then you know what you must do going forward. If there is any news about Ravel from any other quarter, then I shall make sure to inform you at once.”

“I thank you,” Edward said, giving a slight bow towards the lieutenant. “I should go at once. I do not want to be late.”

The lieutenant nodded. “Good day to you then. Until later.”

* * *

Edward was a little surprised by just how nervous he was whilst being led towards the drawing room by the butler. Miss Titania Wells was within, and even that thought appeared to make him somewhat anxious. Was it because he was, despite himself, rather looking forward to seeing her again? Or did it stem from the realization that Miss Titania Wells might be in rather a difficult predicament without even being aware of it? He would have to ensure that he behaved as any normal gentleman might, whilst still attempting to find out what had occurred that evening when he had first come upon her. Mayhap she had overheard something or been given something by Stirling before he died, but now did not know what to do with such a thing. Of course, given that he had told her not to speak a word of what had occurred to anyone, she would therefore be doing precisely that, which might make matters all the more difficult for him. Nevertheless, he was determined to try.

Hearing his name announced, Edward stepped forward and walked directly into the drawing room, seeing not only Miss Titania Wells rising to greet him but also two other young ladies, whom he did not know. He presumed they were her relatives or other close acquaintances, and of her mother, there was no sign.

“Good afternoon, Miss Wells,” he said, somewhat awkwardly at the realization that he did not know how to address the other two ladies. “Thank you for your kind invitation to call upon you.”

Miss Titania Wells smiled sweetly, curtsying beautifully before lifting her eyes back to his. Edward swallowed hard, feeling his breath catch as he took in her beauty, finding himself quite overwhelmed by it.

“I know this is rather unorthodox,” he continued when she said nothing. “But I was unable to find anyone to make an introduction for me during the ball, and I found that I could not wait until the next one before coming to call upon you. You have a great deal of popularity, Miss Wells, and I am only one of many gentlemen seeking your company.”

Miss Wells nodded her approval, her green eyes seeming to glow with pleasure at his words. “You are most kind, Lord Carroway,” she said softly, her expression gentle and her voice soft. “Might I introduce you to my elder sisters? This is Miss Merry Wells and beside her, Miss Catherine Wells.”

He bowed at once. “It is my very great pleasure to meet you both.”

They did not say very much but murmured a few words before he was asked to sit down by Miss Titania Wells. He did so at once, realizing just how difficult it would be to seek the truth from her whilst her sisters were present. Of course, he could not have expected her to sit here alone with him, but he had hoped for a maid to be present instead of two older sisters.

“My mother is currently attending a small soiree with some of her dear friends,” Miss Titania said, as though he had been wondering where Lady Whitehaven was. “She will be sorry to have missed greeting you.”

He managed a small smile, knowing that Lady Whitehaven would be somewhat horrified that her daughter had entertained a gentleman who had not, thus far, been introduced. He quietly suspected that the lady had done such a thing without her knowledge, seeing the twinkle in her eye and believing that she had both a strong spirit and a determination to do as she pleased. It was not becoming for a lady of the ton to behave in such a fashion, but Edward found that he was warming to her almost at once.

“That is kind of you to say, Miss Wells,” he murmured, glancing across at the other two sisters and seeing that they remained steadfast in their gaze but did not say a word. “Did you enjoy the ball?”

She nodded eagerly. “It was quite wonderful,” she said, her eyes alight with contentment. “I truly loved every moment of it – although I confess that I feared you did not find much delight in the company nor the occasion, Lord Carroway!”

It took Edward a moment to realize what she meant. A flush crept up his neck as he tried to laugh, but the sound came out as a harsh groan instead.

“I confess that I am not always at ease within society, Miss Wells,” he admitted, with a good deal more truth than he had meant to share with her. “It has not often been my companion and certainly is not my friend. I do not miss it during the winter months, nor do I long for its return. In that regard, I believe we must be quite different.”

Miss Wells tipped her head and looked at him steadily, the smile fading from her li

ps as she did so. Mayhap she had never considered such a thing.

“There are some rumors about you, Lord Carroway,” she said slowly, as both her sisters gasped in horror at her blunt way of speaking. “Is that not so?”

Another curl of embarrassment swelled his chest. “I believe there are a good many rumors, yes,” he admitted quietly, looking back at her without flinching. “I think that the beau monde likes nothing better than pursuing such things and making a meal of whatever whispers and the like they can find.” His voice grew somewhat harsh, his eyes narrowing slightly as he spoke of his dislike of the ton.

“Then why do you attend balls and the like?” Miss Wells asked, her eyes now filled with curiosity and interest. “What makes you attend if you truly have no wish to be a part of the beau monde?”

Edward paused, knowing that he could not tell her the truth – for the truth was that he was only doing so because he had very little other choice. The truth was that he had no other way to ensure that Miss Wells was both safe and protected if he did not step in.

“I-I am a titled gentleman,” he said slowly, aware of the looks that were being shared between the sisters. “I must do as every gentleman must do.”

Miss Wells laughed softly, her eyes dancing. “Then you state that you call upon me solely for the purposes of attempting to secure my agreement to your courtship?” she asked, teasing.

Edward shook his head, wiping the smile from her face. “I must find a wife and secure the future of my title, Miss Wells,” he replied, aware that he was not speaking honestly to her and, for whatever reason, feeling a stab of guilt over it. “Therefore, it is to be expected that I should go about society, is it not?” He shrugged. “Even if I dislike the false smiles, the pretense, and the disguises that so many of the ton wear, I must still go about amongst them and attempt to discern the true beauty that is so often hidden away.”