It was quite ridiculous, Edward knew, but he could not get Miss Titania Wells from his mind. He had left the ball early, having thanked his host, but now found himself wandering through the London streets in the early hours of the morning, feeling quite lost in many ways. He ought to have returned home at once, ought to have ensured that he rested and ensured that he was fully prepared for tomorrow and what would come with it, but his mind would not allow him to do so.

It was, he told himself, simply because he could not be certain that Miss Wells would remain silent about what she had seen, given that he did not know a single thing about her character other than the fact that gentlemen seemed to seek her out. She had appeared quite eager to be known amongst them, for her smile had been always ready and her delight at being approached had been more than evident. He had not gone near to her, despite the urge to do so, but that did not mean that he had been able to set her aside from his mind in an easy fashion.

“You look rather discontented.”

Edward jumped in surprise, turning around to see a tall, thin gentleman walking towards him.

“And you have rather lost your touch, if you did not hear me approach,” the man continued, with a small smile. “Are you intending to go into Whites or are you just wandering around outside it?”

Edward grimaced, glancing over his shoulder to see that, yes, he was outside Whites, just as Baron Smallwood had said.

“Good evening, Smallwood,” he murmured, looking back at the baron. “I fear that you have caught me lost in thought this evening.” He managed a quick smile, knowing that the baron was also involved in all that Edward did. “I should be more on my guard however,” he agreed, feeling a sting of rebuke in his chest. “Ravel could be anywhere.”

The baron nodded slowly, his gaze a little more severe. “Indeed, he could be. I did hear what had occurred with Stirling. I am truly sorry.”

Edward nodded and looked away, glad that the darkness hid his true expression. “I shall miss him, I will confess it,” he admitted. “But if he was involved with Ravel and had lost his integrity and loyalty, then I cannot be sorry for what occurred.”

The baron cleared his throat. “We cannot know the truth,” he said quietly. “Stirling ran from his meeting with this particular spy, I understand?”

“He did.”

“Then mayhap his ‘companion’ had realized the truth,” the baron suggested. “Mayhap he realized that Stirling was not the gentleman he said he was. Mayhap he saw that Stirling was loyal to the crown and, as such, wanted to take his life from him.”

A flicker of interest caught in Edward’s mind. “That may be true.”

“The spy Stirling met still lives, I believe,” Baron Smallwood finished, lifting one eyebrow as Edward nodded. “And you do not know where he has gone?”

Rubbing his forehead, Edward gave the baron a jerky nod, aware of just how frustrating this statement was. “Indeed. He made to attack a young lady who had come from her house and witnessed the death of Stirling.” He swallowed hard, recalling how he had seen Stirling lying there on the ground. “She fought back at him, and I was able to protect her.”

The baron nodded again, his brow furrowing. “I should hope that the spy will not return to that house then,” he said slowly, sending a wave of fright through Edward. “If she has witnessed something severe, if she has seen his face, then surely he may wish to pursue her again to prevent her from speaking a single word.”

Edward considered this for a long moment, not wanting to jump to any quick judgements. “It was dark,” he said, frowning. “I did not think that the young lady had a good look at the murderer’s face, but now that you have mentioned it…” He trailed off, suddenly feeling a strong sense of urgency to return to Miss Wells’ home. “The lieutenant and I have been so concerned over the question as to whether or not she will speak of what she saw to anyone that we have quite forgotten to consider her safety.”

“Then I should consider it at once,” the baron replied quickly. “The house may be quite safe and the like, but if she were to step out alone, as she did before, then…” He trailed off, leaving the rest of his words unspoken, and Edward felt a jolt of fear capture his heart.

“I must go.”

He did not even hesitate, did not reach out to shake the Baron’s hand, but immediately began to hurry off into the darkness, realizing just how much he and the lieutenant had failed Miss Wells in their lack of consideration for her safety. They had been much too concerned with the belief that she might speak of what she had witnessed to others and had not once thought that the spy that had killed Stirling might return to end her life also.

* * *

It took Edward some time to reach the house given that there were no hackneys about and he had not had time to return home and call for his carriage. The house, at least, was sitting quietly with no evidence of anything untoward. Letting out a long, slow breath, Edward put his hands on his knees and dragged in air, trying to quiet his breathing and bring strength back to his limbs. Mayhap there was nothing to concern himself with. Mayhap he had allowed his fright to take much too great a hold of him. There was clearly nothing wrong at the present.

A light flickered in one of the windows, the drapes still pulled back. The young ladies might still be awake, having spent most of the evening at the ball, although he felt certain that they would retire soon. Perhaps he would remain here until the light faded or the drapes were closed, simply so that he might allow his heart to settle somewhat. In the meantime, he would wander along the street slowly, just to ensure that no one else was watching the house or had any nefarious intentions for the Wells family.

The darkness and the early hour made for a very quiet walk. Trying to make as little noise as possible, Edward walked slowly down the street, aware that most of the houses were fully encased in darkness. The residents were obviously already abed, just as he ought to be, and the silence that surrounded him brought his mind a good deal of peace. There was no one else about. No one else sneaking quietly towards the Wells family’s townhouse. Satisfied, Edward turned around and made his way back, thinking that he would allow himself one final glance at the house before returning home. He would address this matter to the lieutenant come the morrow and mayhap something could be done to ensure that the safety of Lady Whitehaven and her daughters was maintained.

His eyes narrowed suddenly as the sound of footsteps met his ears. His heart began to race as he moved slowly forward, seeing the Wells family’s townhouse on one side of the street and a small, shadowy figure on the other. A quick glance towards the house showed a young lady standing by the window, although he could not make her features out. The gentle glow from behind her told him that there was a fire burning in the fireplace, which made her presence in the window all the more apparent.

Suddenly, she disappeared. The glow from the window began to lessen, as though the young lady was aware that the light from the fire and from the candles made her presence within the house much too obvious. Had she seen the other man waiting outside the house?

Edward held himself back as he watched the man. He was gazing at the house, his eyes fixed on the window above. Was he watching the young lady? Was that all that had captured his attention? Edward frowned, aware that the man was not swaying or stumbling, which meant that he was not in his cups and therefore, not at all out of his senses. He was here deliberately, although for what reason, Edward did not know.

Something moved in front of the window again, catching Edward’s attention for the moment. The other fellow chuckled darkly under his breath, before beginning to advance towards the house – and Edward moved immediately.

The yelp of surprise from the man echoed down the street. Edward had leapt at him, using surprise to aid his attempt at capturing the fellow. Grasping at his coat, Edward planted him a facer, looking down into the man’s features, and did his best to make him out, but in the darkness, he found he could not.

“You’ll not save her,” the man rasped, making Edward’s blood burn hot all in one moment. “You can’t. We need her.”