Robert looked up, the butler glancing towards Lord Millerton uncertainly.

“Yes, yes,” Robert said quickly, thinking that it would be one of the gentlemen from the League. “Send them in at once.”

The butler hesitated, then began to speak, only for Robert to continue to speak. “In fact,” he continued, “there is no need for you to announce anyone. Just send them into the room at once and have the cook prepare us something to eat. Whatever she has on hand will be quite suitable.” He waved a hand, turning his gaze back towards Lord Millerton, who was now attempting to sit up. “And be quick about it.”

He did not see his butler hesitate, did not see the way he bit his lip and turned away slowly. Nor did he see the door open again a few moments later, and Miss Hemmingway step inside, accompanied by her friend, Lady Callander, whom she had been with earlier that afternoon. He was much too busy attempting to help Lord Millerton to sit up, placing a cushion behind his head and frowning hard at the wheezing sound that was still present in Lord Millerton’s breathing.

“Lord Franks?”

The sound of a young lady’s voice had him starting in surprise. Standing up slowly, sweat beginning to bead on his brow, he turned around to see none other than Miss Hemmingway standing there, her friend beside her, and with similar expressions of shock on each of their faces.

“Lady Callander and I were to make our way to the dressmakers,” Miss Hemmingway began, lifting her gaze from Lord Millerton’s pale face and up towards Robert’s wide-eyed expression. “But we came across a great commotion only a short distance away from the house and Lord Millerton’s carriage standing at the side of the road with no driver nearby. It was only by chance that someone mentioned to u

s that you had taken a hackney here, else we would not have known. You are not hurt, I hope?”

Robert closed his eyes momentarily, realizing that he should have sent someone to fetch Lord Millerton’s carriage almost at once. Opening his eyes, he cleared his throat and tried to behave appropriately. “Lord Millerton and I had something of an accident as we returned,” he said, with a tight smile. “Of course, I wanted to ensure that Lord Millerton had recovered and so brought him here.”

“Of course,” Lady Callander murmured, her eyes resting on Lord Millerton for a long moment. “Might I ask what occurred?”

Robert swallowed hard, resisting the urge to clear his throat again and knowing that it was best to speak in very indistinct terms. He did not want Lady Callander nor Miss Hemmingway to know the truth, particularly when the box he had given to Lord Millerton appeared to be the reason behind Lord Millerton’s attack.

“The driver said a horse and rider came galloping down the street at such a pace that he was forced to swing the carriage from one side of the road to the other,” he said, hoping that this would be enough of an explanation. “Lord Millerton is recovering well, of course.”

Miss Hemmingway opened her mouth to, perhaps, express her sorrow at Lord Millerton’s condition, only for the door to swing open and Lord Watt to hurry inside, his eyes fixed on Robert. He walked with such purpose and determination that Robert was quite certain that he had not seen the ladies.

“Lord Millerton!” he exclaimed, hurrying across to the man. “What happened? Pray do not tell me that someone is attempting to rid this world of you!”

Robert turned quickly, trying to capture Lord Watt’s attention. “That is not at all the case, I am sure,” he said, hoping that the ladies would think that Lord Watt was just overcome with the shock of what had happened to his friend and, thus, was speaking rather foolishly. “It was an accident, I think.”

“An accident?” Lord Watt sounded incredulous but did not look around. “I hardly think so. First, someone shoots through my windows and now your carriage is practically thrown from the road, your driver sustains a similar injury to Lord Millerton, and then Lord Millerton himself is beaten too! Do not be under any illusion, Lord Franks, there are those within London who know of The King’s League and, if it is as I now fear, they are doing all they can to break us apart.”

Robert closed his eyes tightly, hearing the swift intake of breath from behind him. Evidently Lord Watt had heard it too for as Robert opened his eyes, he saw Lord Watt’s face paling, his eyes fixed on the two ladies. Robert had been quite unable to prevent Lord Watt from speaking and now they were both evidently shocked at what they had heard.

“What is this?”

The door flew open again and Lord Huddington rushed inside, again doing just as Lord Watt had done and ignoring the two ladies completely, rushing to Lord Millerton’s side. Lord Millerton coughed harshly, making Robert wince at the rough sound, even though his eyes remained fixed on the two ladies standing in front of him.

“Miss Hemmingway, Lady Callander,” he began, taking a step towards them and spreading his hands. “I beg you to forget what you have heard. There is nothing of importance in it.”

Miss Hemmingway let out a snort which quite astonished Robert, given that he had expected her to be overcome with the surprise of what had just been revealed to her.

“You cannot think us as simple as all that, Lord Franks,” she told him, her voice quite steady and her expression firm. “Do you mean to say that there is someone attempting to take the lives of the gentlemen present? Including your own?”

He glanced back at Lord Watt, who was now frowning hard, clearly rather displeased by Miss Hemmingway’s questions.

“There is too much to explain at present,” he said, wishing that Miss Hemmingway was less inclined to ask questions and instead, much more inclined towards silence, as her companion appeared to be. “There is a good deal of difficulty surrounding this matter and I can assure you that it is not something that you would wish to be involved with.” He attempted to fill his voice with authority but Miss Hemmingway did not respond to that in the way he had hoped.

“I can see that Lord Millerton needs you attention at present,” Miss Hemmingway said slowly, evidently considering the situation in its entirety. “But I will not be satisfied to remain as I am at present—confused and greatly astonished. Therefore, I think it would be best if you would call on me tomorrow afternoon, Lord Franks, so that we might discuss the matter further.”

Robert shook his head. “There is no requirement for you to know of this, Miss Hemmingway.”

For a moment, her eyes seemed to darken, her lips pulling into a long, tight line. Her brows furrowed and he found himself catching his breath. There was something quite wonderful about her in her anger and frustration, something that compelled him to do as she asked.

“I think there is, Lord Franks,” she answered, taking a few steps closer and looking directly into his eyes. “Especially since you are seeking something from my brother’s house.”

No immediate answer sprang to his lips. He could not find the words to deny her, could not find the words to tell her that she was quite mistaken. Somehow, she had realized that his attention had not truly been towards her but rather towards something that her brother had, and that knowledge filled him with dread.

“Lord Franks will call upon you tomorrow, as you have requested.”