Chapter Twelve

“If you would.”

Esther could hardly get her breath as Lord Hogarth helped up Lady Ware into the carriage, followed by herself. Her mind was spinning, her thoughts going from one thing to the next. She was fearful, she realized, sitting down opposite her aunt and seeing the very same emotion etched on Lady Ware’s face. She was fearful that her father would no longer be of this world by the time Lord Westbrook got to him. Afraid that he would manage to be brought to their house only to take his last breaths before he realized he was home. Terrified that his life would come to an end and she herself would never again get to speak another word to him.

“I am sure he will recover,” Lady Ware murmured, as Lord Hogarth spoke to the driver. “We must trust that he will recover.”

Esther nodded but turned her head to look out of the window, not trusting her voice. Her aunt was right. They did have to trust that her father would recover, that he would be well again one day soon – but her fears were still building within her. Fears that she could not simply turn away from but rather had to allow to circle within her.

Lord Westbrook. Esther lifted her chin and closed her eyes. She would think of Lord Westbrook, for that seemed to calm her fractious thoughts. He was trustworthy, dependable, and true. He had taken care of her, had protected her, and had now promised her a future with him, should she wish to accept it, and Esther had no doubt that she would do so. Her heart was filled with none but him, her affection slowly turning to love and that love beginning to burn brightly within her. No matter what was to happen next, she could be assured that Lord Westbrook would always be by her side.

The carriage lurched alarmingly, making Lady Ware cry out in surprise as Lady Esther clung onto her seat, all thoughts thrown from her mind. What was occurring? They were meant to be returning to the house with all swiftness, but this speed was a little too quick for her liking. Besides which, Lord Hogarth was not yet within the carriage! Frowning, she looked out of her window, seeing a shadowy figure standing to one side, rubbing at his head. She could not work out what had happened or who it was, fearing that Lord Hogarth had been left behind by accident.

Rapping on the roof, she tried to call up to the driver despite the noise of the carriage wheels on the cobbles.

“We have left someone behind,” she called, fearing that the driver would return them to the house without the protection of Lord Hogarth. “We must go back for him.”

Silence was her only response. Esther looked helplessly at her aunt, who was staring at her with wide eyes, and knew she had to try again.

“We must stop!” she called, louder this time. “Please, we cannot go on without Lord Hogarth!”

Everything within her began to ring with warning. This was not right. Lord Hogarth should be with them, sitting in the carriage alongside her aunt and ensuring that they returned home safely. And yet, the carriage was now being driven along, haphazardly, through the cobbled streets, without any sign that they were being taken home. The driver was not stopping as she had asked, and he was not speaking to her as he ought, which led Esther to believe that there was something gravely wrong going on at present.

This was Lord Westbrook’s carriage and Lord Westbrook’s driver. He would not have employed a man he could not trust, Esther was sure of it, and she was quite certain that the driver she had seen before entering the carriage was the very same as had been there before. Therefore, someone must have replaced the driver.


Her stomach dropped to her toes, one hand at her mouth as she stared in horror at her aunt.

“What is it?” Lady Ware asked, her face pinched with anxiety. “What is it, Esther dear?”

Esther blinked rapidly, seeing her aunt’s features illuminated for only a moment by the gloomy streetlamps before being hidden from her again. “Something is wrong. The driver is pushing our carriage to the most ridiculous of speeds, and I do not think…” She had to stop, gasping with fright as the carriage careered around a corner, forcing her to hang onto the strap as her aunt clung to her seat. “I do not think that it is Lord Westbrook’s driver.”

Lady Ware’s eyes widened all the more. “Then where are we going?” she asked, her voice high pitched and filled with fright. “And what is it that is going to happen to us?”

Esther closed her eyes, fighting down the urge to panic. Instead, she took another breath and tried to think clearly, thinking of Lord Westbrook and all that he had faced in The King’s League. Surely, there must be something that she could do to prepare herself for what might soon occur?

“I think it is Lord Hogarth,” she said loudly, as her aunt let out a terrified shriek. “I think he is driving this carriage. He does not intend to take us home, Aunt.”

“Then where are we to go?” Lady Ware cried, scrabbling hard for the strap on her side that she might hold onto. “And why is he refusing to take us where we are meant to go? I thought we could trust him.”

“I know,” Esther replied, her heart pounding with fright. “As did Lord Westbrook, but I fear that he is nothing more than a scoundrel.” She was working things out in her head as quickly as she could, realizing

that Lord Hogarth, whilst stating that he was loyal to the king, was, in fact, working for the French. It was the only explanation as to why he was now driving them furiously along the London streets and not taking them back to the townhouse as he had promised. Perhaps he had been unaware of her father’s discovery. Perhaps Lord Westbrook informing him of it had come as a shock and now Lord Hogarth was trying to work out what he ought to do next.

“We must be prepared,” she said, remembering the attack on her hackney so long ago and how ill-prepared she had been. “Have you a brooch or anything, Aunt?” She fixed her gaze as best she could on Lady Ware, despite them being flung back and forth across the carriage.

“I-I believe so,” Lady Ware said, trembling furiously. “Here.” She gestured to the front of her gown, where an emerald brooch was pinned. “What will you do with it?”

It was the only weapon she had, the only chance that they would have to make their escape.

“I must have it,” Esther replied, gesturing for it with her free hand. “If we are taken, if we are captured by Lord Hogarth, then this may be the only means of escape.” She tried to steady her resolve and build her courage as the street lamps began to fade away, making her realize they were leaving London. “You must run, Aunt. Run hard and in any direction you can. Once you have done so, then hide. Hide until Lord Westbrook comes to find you.”

Lady Ware shook her head. “I cannot,” she wailed, as the carriage finally began to slow. “I cannot leave you.”

“But you must,” Esther replied firmly. “I shall make my escape and hide also. Lord Westbrook will find us, Aunt. I am certain of it.”

* * *