Lord Hogarth nodded. “But of course.”

“Once I have departed,” Charles continued, “then might you step forward and examine the door? Take out the bullet, if you can retrieve it.” Seeing Lord Hogarth’s expression, Charles shook his head. “The size will be important. It will tell us whether the attacked wished to take her life or merely injure her.”

Lord Hogarth’s eyes rounded, but he nodded at once, his expression very grave indeed. “But of course,” he said at once. “That is truly terrible, Westbrook. To attempt to shoot a young lady in the middle of the afternoon is not only audacious, it is foolishly bold! Anyone might have seen him.”

“But they did not,” Charles grated, his anger beginning to flare. “But I shall not allow him to either injure or kill Lady Esther. She is under my protection, and I will not let her out of my sight.”

Lord Hogarth nodded gravely, then indicated the bookshop. “I shall wait here, of course, until she is gone into the carriage with you. Have no fear, Westbrook, it shall be done just as you ask.”

“And I will come to seek you in Whites thereafter,” Charles said, as Lord Hogarth nodded. “I thank you, Hogarth. For the King.”

“For the King,” Lord Hogarth repeated, before turning away to move to another part of the street, where Charles knew he would be watching. Taking in a deep breath and forcing a smile to his face, Charles returned to the bookshop where he knew both Lady Ware and Lady Esther would be waiting.

It was as he suspected. Both ladies had found books but had not yet purchased them. As gallantly as he could, Charles took them to the shopkeeper and paid for them at once, having them wrapped in brown paper and tied with string, ready for the ladies to carry to the carriage.

“Please,” he said, taking the parcels and then offering his arm to Lady Esther. “Allow me.” Lady Esther smiled shyly then accepted his arm, leaning a little closer to him as they approached the door. Lady Ware, with a warm smile on her face and eyes that were lit with delight at the sight of her niece walking beside the earl, followed after them both without a word.

Charles’s stomach tightened as he led Lady Esther out of the shop and directly towards the carriage. He wanted to allow his gaze to rove all over the street, to search for any sign of the gunman, but instead he fixed his eyes on the carriage and prayed that Lord Hogarth would be doing precisely that. With a tenseness that he could not remove from himself, Charles moved quickly, forcing Lady Esther’s footsteps to quicken as she hurried along beside him.

“I must speak to you at length, Lady Esther,” he murmured, as they drew near the carriage. “There is a good deal I must now explain.” Her eyes widened as she looked at him, but there was a firmness about her expression that encouraged him. “Perhaps tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow,” she said, as the carriage door was opened by one of the tigers. “Although I cannot promise that my aunt will leave us in peace.”

“A carriage ride then,” he said quickly. “And a short stroll through the park, as we have done before?” He knew that Lady Ware would remain within the carriage and allow them to walk together for a short distance, so long as she could see them still. This made Lady Esther’s expression clear, a small smile lifting her lips as she nodded.

“Until then,” he said, lifting her hand and pressing it to his lips for just a moment. The overwhelming urge to protect her crashed over him, almost forcing him to act. He wanted to climb into the carriage beside her, wanted to wrap his arms about her and hold her close until the danger was passed, but instead he simply let her hand go and stepped aside so she could climb up into the carriage.

Lady Ware was beside him in a moment.

“And mayhap I might have a few minutes of your time tomorrow, Lady Ware?” he asked, a little surprised at how his heart quickened as he looked at the lady. “I have something I must ask you.”

Lady Ware regarded him for a moment, her eyes considering. Then, she smiled and shook her head.

“If you wish to speak to me of courtship, Lord Westbrook, then there is no need to stand on ceremony nor fill my head with your many compliments as regards my niece.” She smiled at him, holding out her hand to him, which he took at once, bowing over it. “You are already accepted, Lord Westbrook,” Lady Ware finished. “If you wish to court my niece, then I can assure you that my brother would be more than delighted to accept your request. Therefore, you may continue on as you please – provided my niece herself agrees.”

Filled with more relief than he had first expected, Charles managed to laugh as he let go of Lady Ware’s hand, wanting nothing more than for them both to climb into the carriage and return home so that they might be kept safe – although he was truly glad that Lady Ware had been so generous as to accept his unspoken request to court Lady Esther. “I shall speak to her tomorrow, if I may,” he said, as Lady Ware climbed into the carriage. “Thank you again, Lady Ware.”

“You are most welcome, Lord Westbrook,” came the reply, as the lady sat back in her seat. “I look forward to your visit tomorrow.”

“As do I.” Charles looked directly at Lady Esther as he said these words, seeing how she blushed and looked away. Despite the fear, despite the worry that ran through him, he could not help but feel a deep sense of happiness over Lady Ware’s acceptance of his offer of courtship and so, it seemed, did Lady Esther, for her expression was one of delight. Watching the carriage roll way, Charles considered the future that lay before him. Courtship could well lead to an engagement, and an engagement would then lead to marriage – and that prospect brought him a good deal of happiness, which he had never truly expected to feel. The thought of being by Lady Esther’s side for the rest of his days was not a sorrowful one, but rather one that brought him an overwhelming sense of happiness, which seemed to fill his very soul. Despite the trying circumstances, Charles could not help but smile as he thought of Lady Esther, silently praying that, one day soon, all would be brought to a happy conclusion so that they might begin to explore a new happiness that would belong to themselves alone.

Chapter Ten

“If you will take my arm, Lady Esther?”

Esther looked up into Lord Westbrook’s face, finding her heart quickening at the gentle look in his eyes. “But of course,” she murmured, aware that there was heat running through her as she accepted his arm. The day was fine, her aunt had chosen to remain in the carriage, and now she and Lord Westbrook were to spend a little time together so that they might discuss matters. Of course, her aunt had already informed Esther that this was solely so that Lord Westbrook could offer her courtship, although she, of course, knew that there was more to be discussed than that alone.

Even so, the prospect of being courted by Lord Westbrook was not a disappointing one. Rather, she was filled with a delicious sense of anticipation, which had grown steadily with every minute that passed.

“I think you must know now that I am to ask to court you,” Lord Westbrook said gently, as they began to walk slowly together through the park. “Your aunt perhaps discussed my intention with you.”

Esther nodded, finding her breathing becoming a little ragged, as she looked directly ahead, taking in the beautiful flowers that filled the park, smelling the wonderful scents that lingered on the air. She tried to use them to keep her nervousness from growing but did not quite manage to succeed.

“I do offer you courtship, Lady Esther,” Lord Westbrook continued, his voice rather grave for something that was meant to be a wonderful moment. “But before you answer, there is something I must tell you.”

Her stomach tightened, her frayed nerves beginning to knot themselves tighter as she looked up at Lord Westbrook, whose brow was puckered as he turned his gaze away from her.

“Speak, Lord Westbrook,” she said slowly, looking all about her and suddenly fearing that she was g