“Mmm.” She did not know what to say, looking at him and seeing the slight gleam in his eye that she did not quite understand.

“Allow me to fetch you something to eat, and then we can discuss matters,” he continued, his smile fading away to be replaced with an altogether more serious look. “There are some developments that I think you ought to be aware of.”

She nodded, her stomach tightening uncomfortably as he walked away, leaving her to sit alone for a few minutes. She did not allow her eyes to leave him but rather continued to watch him, taking in his strong frame and allowing the reassurance that he was there to help and support her to wash over her.

And to protect you, should it be required, she reminded herself, her fingers twisting together. He is your ally, Esther. No matter what he reveals to you, you know that you are able to trust him.

Thus satisfied, Esther bolstered her courage and managed a quick smile as Lord Westbrook returned, gesturing for a footman to bring them both something to drink. Grateful for a quiet table near the corner of the room, Esther looked about at the rest of the guests, seeing how some had sat together, leaving four, six, or eight persons altogether at one table. She was very glad to be as alone as she could be with Lord Westbrook, feeling the weight of her worries begin to bear down on her again. It was easy enough to forget her troubles and fears when she was caught up in dancing and conversation, but now looking into Lord Westbrook’s face and seeing his stern expression, they returned to her again with force.

“My man has returned from your father’s estate,” he said slowly, making Esther clasp her hands together even more tightly. “He was not at home.”

It was as though all the air in the room had been pulled out from it at once, for Esther struggled furiously to get her breath as shock ran straight through her. She had been suspecting as much, of course, but to hear the confirmation that her father was not at home was terrible news.

“I am sorry to shock you further,” Lord Westbrook continued, reaching across and pressing her hand lightly, blocking the view from the rest of the guests by keeping his back to them, “but there is something more.”

She dragged in air to her burning lungs, trying desperately to fill them. Lord Westbrook waited for a moment, before seeing that she was struggling and, in one swift action, picked up her glass of ratafia and pressed it into her hands. Esther drank deeply, putting down the glass just as soon as she was finished and nodding towards Lord Westbrook, feeling a little better than before. “What is it that you have discovered?” she asked, her voice hoarse. “Pray do not hide it from me. I am quite all right.”

Lord Westbrook hesitated, sighed, and then nodded. “Your father’s study has been ransacked.”

Her hand was at her mouth, her eyes flaring wide.

“The staff have, I believe, written of this to your father but have not received a response,” he continued, having spoken at length to Mr. Peel. “The butler states that they cannot see if anything has been taken and, indeed, are not certain what precisely Lord Leighton kept within his study, which is why they require him to come and search the study for himself.”

“Goodness,” Esther whispered, her heart squeezing painfully. “If I had known of this before, then I would have thought that this would have been the urgent business he spoke of.”

“But it is not,” Lord Westbrook reassured her. “The staff say that they have not heard from nor seen Lord Leighton since he left for London. Therefore, your instincts have been proven correct, Lady Esther.”

This did not comfort her in the way that Esther had expected. “Which is to say that he is missing,” she said slowly, tears suddenly burning in her eyes. “I do not know where he is gone and neither does my father’s staff.”

Lord Westbrook’s hand settled on hers again, forcing her to look into his eyes and to gather her composure just a little. His eyes were earnest, his expression warm and filled with concern for her.

“You know that I have promised to aid you, Lady Esther, and I again give you my word that I shall not rest until I find your father. I believe that he has gone into hiding.”

Esther blinked. “Hiding?”

“It would explain the mess at the study,” he said slowly, as though explaining something to a child. His eyes held hers steadily, evidently perceiving the shock that was running through her and wanting to help her as best he could. “Your father’s staff say that they cannot see anything else in the house that was touched, save for the study. Therefore, there must have been something within it that was being searched for.”

“Something that my father wanted to keep hidden,” Esther whispered, slowly beginning to understand. “A

nd the man with the scar mayhap wanted to find it.” She looked into Lord Westbrook’s eyes and saw him nod, a tiny smile capturing the corner of his mouth.

“I do not think it a coincidence that your father quit the townhouse the day after he met the man with the scar,” he said quietly, as Esther dragged in another shuddering breath. “Thereafter, we know that this man tried to find out the whereabouts of your father from you, Lady Esther. Perhaps your father has something that this man wants and cannot get without discovering where Lord Leighton is at present.”

Esther nodded and dropped her head, rubbing her temples with one hand, feeling Lord Westbrook’s hand tighten on hers as though he wanted to reassure her still further. Everything became hazy for a moment as she tried to make sense of things, tried to let her mind wrap itself around everything that Lord Westbrook had revealed.

Her heart began to ache painfully, fearing for her father’s safety. Where was he? Was he well? Was he safe? She had no idea what it could be that her father had that demanded him to leave London so quickly, had no suggestion of what this precious item might be, and yet it was clearly of such great importance that he had been forced to flee.

“I do not understand,” she whispered, her voice filled with sorrow. “Why could he not simply tell me of his troubles? Why did he have to hide them from me?”

“Because he wanted to protect you,” Lord Westbrook gently said. “You must not hold that against him, Lady Esther. I have no doubt that whatever your father has done, it is in order to protect his family.” He smiled reassuringly, squeezed her hand again, and then let it go, sitting back in his chair.

“But there is nothing I can do now to help him!” Esther exclaimed, as a sudden feeling of hopelessness flooded her. “I do not know what it is he has in his possession nor do I know where he might be so that I could check on his wellbeing! I do not know who is chasing him nor how I am meant to stop them from their task, so that I might have my dear papa returned to me!” Desperate, she gazed up into Lord Westbrook’s eyes, hoping that he might have some answers for her, that he would be able to give her some hope.

Instead, Lord Westbrook merely smiled at her, his expression gentle. “I think, Lady Esther, that you ought to merely allow yourself to get over the shock of what has been revealed,” he said quietly, his tone jarring her. “This has been a great surprise to you, I know, but I must insist that you do nothing for the present.”

“I cannot!” Esther said stiffly, rebelling against what was, she knew, sensible advice.

“But you must,” he answered steadily, looking at her without reproach. “Let this news enter your heart and mind until you can think on it without overwhelming emotion. It will mean that we shall not act rashly as one might otherwise do. Thereafter, we shall discuss matters and think of what we might do together.”