This had brought a smile to his eyes as she had blushed, realizing what she had said and catching her aunt’s knowing look. Even now, Esther found her cheeks a little hot as Lord Westbrook smiled at her, wondering if he recalled what she had said as strongly as she did.

“I do hope you will permit me to dance with you this evening,” Lord Westbrook said, after greeting Lady Ware. “Or am I too late? Is your dance card already filled?”

She laughed and shook her head. “You are not the first, but it is not filled by any means,” she told him, seeing him grin. “I would very much like to dance with you, Lord Westbrook. I thank you.”

He smiled at her for a moment longer before taking her dance

card and then writing his name in two places – one of which she noticed was the supper dance. A spark of anticipation caught her. Perhaps then they might be able to discuss matters a little more openly.

“The cotillion and thereafter, the supper dance which is, I believe, a waltz.” He let go of her dance card and inclined his head, before lifting it again. “And I can see that you already have Lord Watt, Lord Hogarth, and Lord Riggerton written there also. All excellent gentlemen, I must say, and quite right to seek you out, Lady Esther.”

She managed to smile but detected something in his tone that made her frown. What was it that he was trying to hide from her? Displeasure that so many gentlemen had written their names before him? Surely not, for he had managed to secure the supper dance, which was surely the most significant!

“And I shall not keep you from your first dance of the evening,” he continued, looking over her shoulder and evidently seeing something she did not. “Lord Hogarth is to dance the quadrille with you, I think?”

She nodded, turning to see Lord Hogarth – who had been introduced by Lord Watt, whom she already had been acquainted with – approaching her. He was tall and rather thin, but with a warm smile that seemed at odds with his cool grey eyes. Lord Westbrook stepped out of the way and made to take his leave, although not before he had given Lord Hogarth a broad grin, which the fellow acknowledged with a nod. Esther frowned, a good deal more confused now at this strange behavior but was soon forced to set it aside as Lord Hogarth greeted her and then took her to the floor for her first dance of the evening.

“It is the supper dance next, my dear.”

Esther, who had felt nothing but a growing anticipation for this particular dance, looked up at her aunt and then nodded, attempting to appear as nonchalant as she could.

“Lord Westbrook has been very attentive.”

“He has, Aunt.”

“What should you wish me to say should he ask to court you?”

It was a question which Esther had been expecting, given Lord Westbrook’s very obvious attentions towards her the last few days, but even still, she felt her breath quicken suddenly.

“I-I think that he is very amiable,” she said, struggling to find the right words to use. “I would have no objections, if that is what you mean.”

Lady Ware laughed and shook her head. “No, that is not what I mean at all, my dear girl!” She turned to face Esther, looking at her fondly. “Now, I know you have been concerned about your father’s absence from town, but I am quite certain that he will return very soon – and what better news could he return to than to discover that his daughter is being courted by someone as eligible as the Earl of Westbrook!” Lady Ware’s eyes shone. “But,” she continued carefully, “I would not like you accept him if you feel nothing but a general appreciation of his character. That does not lead to a happy marriage, as far as I am concerned. So,” she continued, her voice growing a little firmer, “I must ask you again, my dear. What do you wish me to say, should he ask?”

Esther smiled softly, appreciating her aunt’s concern. “I think very highly of Lord Westbrook,” she said with honesty. “I find him considerate, kind, and very attentive. He is witty and intelligent and does not speak to me as though I am of lesser intelligence than he!”

Lady Ware smiled and nodded, seemingly finding satisfaction in this answer.

“I would prefer a little more time in order to increase my acquaintance before such a question is asked,” Esther finished, well aware that Lord Westbrook had already anticipated that such a thing would have to occur. “But I would have no hesitation in asking you to accept him, Aunt.”

“Then I shall be glad to do so,” Lady Ware answered softly, looking at Esther with an almost motherly tenderness. “He is a good man, I think.”

“I think so too,” Esther answered, only for the gentleman in question to appear only a few steps away, his eyes fixed upon hers. Knowing it was time for their dance, Esther turned to greet him, feeling her stomach tighten with lingering nerves.

* * *

She need not have worried.

Dancing the cotillion with Lord Westbrook was one thing but stepping into his arms for a waltz was quite another. For some reason, she found it very difficult to speak, her heart beating quite furiously and her mind ablaze with all manner of fears. Would she step on his feet? Would she manage to somehow tread on her own gown and make an utter fool of herself? Would their dance be awkward and unsteady, making her the laughingstock of the evening?

However, her fears were laid to rest the moment Lord Westbrook took her in his arms. He was sure and steady, dancing with a gentleness she would not have expected from him. Leading her across the floor, he twirled her with precision and poise, allowing her to finally relax in his arms.

“I do hope you have enjoyed this evening, Lady Esther?”

The dance had come to a close, and she was now walking alongside him, her hand on his arm, as they made their way to one of the tables laid out for couples to seat themselves at.

“I have,” she agreed with a quick smile. “You are already acquainted with the gentlemen I danced with, I think.”

Chuckling, he nodded before helping her into a seat. “I am indeed,” he said, releasing her from his arm. “All excellent gentlemen, I must say.”