“That is it, you see!” he exclaimed, his voice reverberating around the room. “I have it!” Lord Huddersfield stared at him blankly, only for Charles to let out a laugh of delight as things began to fall into place. “That is it precisely!”

Lord Brandley cleared his throat and arched one brow, as Charles turned back to face him.

“What is it you speak of?” he said patiently. “Forgive us for not understanding the quickness of your mind, Lord Westbrook, but we do not know what you have understood.”

Charles whirled about to face his friend, throwing his hands up into the air. “The two are connected!” he exclaimed, his voice filling the room. “Sir Taylor and the disappearance of Lord Leighton!” He saw Lord Brandley’s eyes flare, only for the very same expression of understanding and astonishment to begin to filter into his expression. “You know of Lord Leighton’s prior role in The King’s League, do you not?”

Lord Brandley nodded quickly. “I do, of course.”

“Then,” Charles continued hurriedly, “does it not make sense that he is, mayhap, involved with the cipher?”

A few gentlemen began to murmur amongst themselves, their voice turning into a low hum of noise. Charles, who knew that not everyone was aware of Lord Leighton and what he had done in the past, turned back to them and began to explain.

“Lord Leighton was involved with The King’s League from its infancy,” he said quickly. “He retired from it when his wife passed away some years ago, and we presumed all was well.”

“And now you think he is somehow involved in this matter with Sir Taylor?” asked one of the men, frowning. “Did he know Sir Taylor?”

Charles nodded fervently. “Indeed, he did. Sir Taylor and Lord Leighton were very closely acquainted and, from what I have been told, often took on certain tasks together. Sir Taylor may very well have turned to Lord Leighton when there was no one else to turn to.” His heart quickened furiously. “This would explain Lord Leighton’s disappearance from London as well as, mayhap, the reason behind his daughter being attacked by the very man who called upon Lord Leighton only a few days before.” Looking around the group, he saw a few men frown, whilst some were nodding slowly, clear understanding in their eyes.

“Then who is this gentleman with the scar?” asked Lord Watt, getting to his feet to pour himself another brandy. “Do we know him?”

Charles shook his head. “I do not know who this man is, but clearly he is searching for Lord Leighton, as we are. Mayhap he visited Lord Leighton to ask some questions of Sir Taylor and, thereafter, Lord Leighton felt unable to remain in London for fear of what might occur.”

“The man could easily have threatened his daughter or his sister – Lady Ware, is it?” Lord Brandley asked, as Charles nodded. “Perhaps Lord Leighton felt he had to disappear from London in order to keep them safe.”

“And if he has the cipher,” Lord Riggerton added, speaking for the first time, “then all the more reason to disappear.”

Another thought captured Charles’s mind. “And he had only just returned to London with his daughter,” he said slowly, thinking quickly. “Mayhap he had every intention of handing the cipher to us but had not yet had opportunity to write to arrange a meeting.”

Lord Watt nodded fervently. “We had only just gathered together for the first time,” he said, confirming what Charles now believed. “Lord Leighton, knowing the significance of what he had, would take every precaution. He would not simply have sought us out at the first for fear that someone might be watching him or that he would be intercepted.”

“Better to play the part of a gentleman here during the Season simply to encourage his daughter to find a husband,” Lord Brandley added, his brows now low over his eyes as he continued to think on what had been revealed. “If that is as you say, Lord Westbrook, then we have a good deal of work ahead of us. The two matters are no longer separate but one.” His eyes lifted to Charles, and Charles could see the seriousness held within them. “We must have that cipher.”

“And we must protect Lady Esther,” Charles added firmly. “We cannot allow her to be involved in this any more than she already is. The man in question – the one with the scar – is clearly willing to do whatever he has to in order to find Lord Leighton and that includes injuring Lady Esther.” A small tremor ran through him. “If I had not roused myself that night, then I do not know what would have become of her.”

Silence ran around the room for a few minutes, as each gentleman considered what had been said and allowed the pieces to fall into place in their own minds. Charles resumed his seat, aware of the tension still running through him and knowing that now, Lady Esther’s safety meant a good deal more than before. The last thing he wanted was for Lady Esther to put herself in danger, or to be used as leverage for their enemies to get what they desired. Most likely, the French – for that was who was behind this, Charles was quite certain – were already watching her closely, making certain that if she were to go somewhere that would reveal the location of Lord Leighton, that they would know of it also.

“What should we do next?” Lord Watt asked, his question filling the room and encouraging every gentleman present to make their thoughts known. “We must decide on a plan going forward.”

“I shall remain by Lady Esther’s side as much as I can,” Charles began quickly. “I have spoken to her already and assured her that I will do what I can to help her find her father.”

“But you have not told her of The King’s League?” Lord Brandley queried, as Charles shook his head. “Shall you do so?”

Hesitating, Charles looked about the room and saw each gentleman looking back at him with no clear answer in their expressions. Sighing inwardly, he spread his hands. “I do not know.”

“Then do not, for the time being,” Lord Watt said. “No doubt she will have to know of it all soon enough, but if you are content not to do so for the time being, then she will accept whatever else you say without question, I am certain of it.” He grinned, suddenly lightening the atmosphere that hung over them all. “We shall hear the whispers soon enough, I am quite certain of it.”

Charles frowned. “Whispers?”

“That you are courting Lady Esther, of course!” Lord Brandley interjected, making a few gentlemen chuckle. “But she is beautiful and well mannered, so I do not think that you shall rebel too much against the suggestion.” He grinned at Charles, making Charles flush and shake his head, aware that this was simply something he would have to accept.

“I have already spoken to Lady Esther about what may occur when the beau monde becomes aware of my singular attentions towards her,” he said, trying not to allow a single touch of emotion into his voice. “She is aware of what might occur and has agreed to it.”

A moment of silence ran around the group, before Lord Riggerton spoke.

“You may then find yourself engaged—very soon?” he asked, looking at Charles in surprise.

“You do not find yourself unwilling to be so?”