Much to her astonishment, Esther found herself blushing a little at this, surprising herself all the more in the way that her heart seemed to soar to the clouds. This was nothing but foolishness, she told herself determinedly. Lord Westbrook was here merely to speak to her about what had occurred some days ago and just because she discovered him now to be a handsome gentleman did not mean that she should react any differently.

However, her aunt, whose sharp eyes missed nothing, let a small smile cross her face upon seeing Esther’s reaction and, thereafter, turned towards Lord Westbrook with a suggestion in hand.

“It is a fine day indeed, Lord Westbrook,” she said, as the maid brought in the tea. “And this townhouse has a very fine garden, I must say. It makes it a lovely place to wander when one wishes to step out of doors.”

Lord Westbrook smiled back at Lady Ware, whilst Esther concentrated solely on removing the redness from her cheeks by sheer willpower alone. “It sounds quite lovely,” he said, with a glance in Esther’s direction. “Perhaps I might see the gardens one day.”

“My niece will show you around them for a few minutes before the end of your visit,” Lady Ware said, with a careless wave of her hand in Esther’s direction – as though this were a mere triviality. “If you would care for it, that is?”

Lord Westbrook did not hesitate, but accepted Lady Ware’s invitation at once, leaving Esther to merely smile and nod, praying desperately that she would be able to keep her composure.

* * *

“Well, Lady Esther, I am glad to see that you are recovered so.”

Esther glanced up at Lord Westbrook as they walked together, taking what was their second turn about the gardens. They had not spoken much at the first, for Lady Ware had been present with them but was now sitting quietly on a bench and allowing, therefore, both Esther and Lord Westbrook to walk and talk alone.

“Your bruises are faint,” she commented, aware that if she looked closely, there were still some marks on Lord Westbrook’s face. “You are recovered also?”

“I am.” He cleared his throat, his hands behind his back as his eyes turned towards the path ahead of them. “I must tell you, Lady Esther, that I have not yet managed to make any significant progress into the identity of the man who attacked the hackney.”

Esther looked up at him, realizing that she had not told him of one significant detail. “I would not have expected you to be able to do so,” she said, not wanting him to feel any sort of anxiety. “However, I do believe that I have not told you of one important detail, which I must now recount.” Hesitating, she glanced up to see his eyes fixed upon her, a seriousness about his mouth. “The man who attacked the hackney had a long scar running down his cheek,” she continued, hurriedly. “I caught sight of it in the dim light.”

Lord Westbrook nodded. “That is useful indeed, Lady Esther.”

“No, but you do not understand,” she interrupted, turning to face him and looking up earnestly into his face. “He was the very same gentleman who called upon my father only a few days before.” She watched Lord Westbrook closely, seeing how his eyes flared in astonishment. He blinked ra

pidly, his gaze turning away for a few moments before returning to her.

“You are quite certain?”

“Indeed,” she answered. “More than certain. But, unfortunately, before you ask, I do not know what he spoke to my father about. Although, my mind considers this gentleman to have been something of a threat to my father, which might then explain the reason for his departure from this house without saying a word to me about it.”

Lord Westbrook nodded slowly, rubbing his chin with long fingers. “I understand what you mean, Lady Esther,” he said slowly. “This gentleman visited your father, and then Lord Leighton is gone from your house without leaving you a note or speaking to you of it – which you state he would always have done.” Seeing her nod, he continued quickly, “You believe that your father is not at his estate, as he wrote to your aunt, and the reappearance of this scarred gentleman is proof of it.”

“Precisely,” Esther said quickly, awash with relief that Lord Westbrook seemed to understand her. “That is it entirely.” A frown developed between her brows as she continued to study his features, seeing how his brows lowered, how his own eyes became puzzled, and how his expression darkened. “But I do not wish to put an unnecessary burden upon you, Lord Westbrook. This is naught to do with you.”

His response was immediate, for his eyes shot back to hers and before she knew what he was doing, his hand was holding hers tightly, his fervency evident almost at once.

“I have every intention of aiding you, Lady Esther,” he said in a low voice, his eyes searching hers as though he wanted to see her trust in him beginning to settle there. “You need not fear that I am about to turn away from you nor leave you to struggle through this alone. I am quite determined, Lady Esther. You need have no fear about that.”

As she looked up into his face and saw the determination there, Esther felt her heart sink back into her chest with relief. There was no fear there now, no anxiety that she would be left to discover the truth about this assailant on her own. Lord Westbrook was, for whatever reason, more than willing to aid her in her search for the truth.

“You are very kind, Lord Westbrook,” she told him, her voice rasping just a little. “Your goodness reveals itself, and I am truly in your debt.”

He smiled and something hot ran straight through her. “But of course, my lady,” he murmured, bowing over her hand and making her blush just a little. “However, I must inform you that, if I am to aid you, then I must be at your side very often.” His hand let hers free, and Esther clasped her hands together, her stomach suddenly tightening.

“What do you mean?” she asked, a little confused. “Do you mean that—?”

“The ton will notice my interest in you, Lady Esther,” he said bluntly. “I have no intention of removing myself from your side until we discover the truth about your father and ensure that the man who attacked you is no longer a threat. Therefore, you must be both willing and prepared to have the beau monde believe that I am truly interested in courtship.”

“Oh.” Her cheeks caught fire, as she dropped her head, more than aware that this would bring Lady Ware a good deal of delight.

“It may lead to something more…permanent also,” Lord Westbrook continued, his voice a little thick now. “I will not press you for such a thing nor will I state that it is my intention, but I fear that circumstances may change significantly, and then there may be cause for us to commit to each other in a way that we had not perhaps intended.”

Esther did not know what to say, her thoughts flinging themselves at her over and over as she tried her best to understand what Lord Westbrook was saying. If they were to work together, if they were to seek out her father and discover who her attacker had been, then there was a chance that they might have to become engaged. It would satisfy the beau monde and ensure that her reputation remained intact, but it would also mean that she would have to consider marrying someone such as Lord Westbrook.

To her surprise, the thought did not bring her any sort of displeasure but rather a small thrill of delight.