Page 29 of The Reunion Lie

Dan lowered himself over her and settled his mouth on hers and all she could think about was how delicious kissing him was. How wickedly clever he was. He knew exactly how to make her whimper, how to make her pant and moan and beg simply by concentrating on her mouth, her lips and her tongue.

By the time he rolled onto his back, taking her with him so that she sprawled on top of him, Zoe was a rioting mass of sensation inside. Every nerve ending she possessed was quivering and jumping and desperate for more.

He unclipped her bra and she wriggled as he tugged it from between them. Then while she revelled in the friction of his hair against her breasts he slid his hands down her back and over her bottom, slipping his fingers beneath her knickers and easing them down. Then he rolled her back over so he could remove them altogether. Which he did. Achingly slowly. Sliding them over her hips and down her legs, stroking over her skin as he did so. He took the same care with her hold-ups and by the time he was finished all Zoe could think was that she was about to explode with need.

She couldn’t stand another second of the torture. Of the torment. Instinct took over. Batting Dan’s hands out of the way, she reared up and he automatically sat back on his heels. Which was just perfect for what she wanted. Before he could even begin to look surprised, she straddled his hips. She wrapped one arm around his neck and took his erection in the other hand and with a deep groan sank herself onto him.

She locked her legs around his back and tucked her head into the nook where his neck met his shoulders, delirious for a moment just to feel him buried deep, stretching her, filling her and throbbing inside her.

Dan went rigidly still. He was tense and his jaw was tight and she wasn’t sure if it was because he didn’t trust himself to stay in control or whether he was in shock at the boldness of her move. Having no intention whatsoever of asking, Zoe decided to just carry on as she wanted and see what happened. So she kissed her way up his neck. She found his mouth and slid her tongue between his lips, tilted her hips and felt him lodge even deeper.

And then something clearly snapped inside him because he clamped one hand to the back of her head, the other against her lower back and he rocked her back. Looming over her, his eyes glittering dark and hot and his muscles strained, he began to move.

And with all that power and strength above her, being used with such perfectly deadly intent, Zoe felt herself begin to unravel. Her insides buckled and melted and as she felt a wave of pleasure begin to roll through her her breath came faster, shallower. Beginning to pant and moan and too far gone to even care that she might be begging, she gripped Dan’s arms and clung on for dear life as the wave gathered strength and rushed towards her.

His thrusts became harder, deeper, faster and the frown on his face deepened and then that wave hit and with a sharp cry she shattered, convulsing over and over again around him as the pleasure splintered inside her.

And then he lowered himself down to her, held her face and kissed her hard and fiercely as he buried himself deep and pulsated into her.

For quite a while the only noise filling the room was the sound of their breathing, at first loud, ragged and harsh, then gradually quietening and evening out.

‘Well, that certainly beats the ski resort in Italy,’ said Zoe once she’d recovered her voice and her brain was back in its usual place.

Dan rolled off her and fell back. ‘It certainly beats my expectations.’

She propped herself up on an elbow and looked down at him quizzically. ‘You had expectations?’


‘Since when?’

‘Since last night when I dreamed about you.’

That sounded nice. ‘What was I doing?’

‘This,’ he said with a wicked smile. ‘With variations on the theme.’

‘And I was good?’

‘Very good.’

Zoe smiled and stretched and then flopped back against the pillows. ‘I dreamed about broccoli.’

A look of bemusement passed across his face. ‘Broccoli?’

She nodded. ‘A great towering spear of the stuff was marching towards me like some sort of giant mutated tree, chanting “eat me”. I guess I’m a little low on iron.’

A little low on appropriateness as well, it belatedly struck her, because she’d just had the out-of-this-world sex she’d been hoping for and all she could talk about was the nutritional benefit of broccoli? Was there really no hope for her?

Groaning, Zoe flapped a hand and then clapped it over her eyes, ‘Oh, God, ignore me.’

She heard him laugh softly. ‘Impossible.’

‘If you want to send me home now I wouldn’t blame you in the slightest.’

‘I don’t want to send you home now.’

Zoe gingerly removed her hand to glance at him, just in case she was imagining the sincerity in his voice. ‘You don’t?’