Page 29 of His Best Mistake

“Yes.” Despite what she’d said a second before walking out, Cora hadn’t been in touch and he couldn’t blame her. But he did worry about her. Luckily Lucas, who was with her in Andalucia, had updated him, and while the trouble his sister appeared to have got herself in was yet another thing that kept him awake at night he trusted Lucas – who was by all accounts the best in the business – to handle it and keep Cora safe.

“She’s found Brad,” said Stella, putting down her fork and reaching for her glass of water.

“So I understand.”

“How did she find me?”

“There’s a report.”

“What does it say?”

“You can read it if you like.”

“No need,” she said. “I imagine the gist of it is something along lines of ‘rather average’ and ‘nothing special’.”

Jack stared at her for a moment in shock, because what the hell? Where would Stella have got that idea from? She was far from rather average and nothing special. Well, not that far, of course, but still. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“According to your sister,” she said, “that was how you once described me.”

Had he? When? He racked his brains and the pieces slotted into place. Ah. Yes. He had done that. During that horrendously awkward conversation he and Cora had had on his return from Scotland when his sister had asked him what Stella was like and he’d had to bite back the truth.

“Aren’t you even going to bother denying it?” she asked with a frown.


“Oh.” She sat back, a flicker of hurt crossing her face, which was intriguing. Or not.

“I did describe you like that.”

“I see.”

No, she didn’t. “However, I lied.”

Stella stared at him across the table. “What?”

“I lied.”


“Extolling your virtues to my sister at that particular moment didn’t seem the wisest course of action.”

“No. I can understand that. But –” She paused. Frowned. Then said, “I have virtues?”

Jack nodded. “You do indeed. And there’s nothing average about you in the slightest.”

“There isn’t?”

“You’re confident, flexible.” Very flexible from what he could recall… “Willing to take responsibility for your actions and unafraid to call others to account. It’s a pretty unique combination.” And an attractive one, especially when wrapped up so beautifully.

“Right. Well. Thanks. You’re loyal, protective and capable of not only realising you’re wrong but admitting it too. That’s another pretty unique combination.”

Pushing his empty plate away, Jack shifted on his chair, suddenly more than a little uncomfortable about how personal the conversation had turned and how fast. “What is this?” he asked. “Competitive character analysis?”

“Not at all,” said Stella with a minute shake of her head. “I just assumed we knew nothing about each other.”

“Not nothing,” he corrected, briefly thinking that carnally he knew her very well indeed.

Stella went red, averted her gaze, and it was strangely satisfying to discover that maybe she wasn’t as at ease as she seemed.