Page 43 of The Crown Affair

‘So arrest me.’

She gasped as his mouth closed over her nipple. Pleasure spun through her, arrowing down straight to the centre of her, and for a second she lost all track of the conversation.

He lifted his head. ‘I would if I could remember where I put my handcuffs,’ he said, switching his attention to her other breast.

Laura’s entire body began to buzz and desire hammered at her with an insistence that demanded attention. Oh, forget slow and sensual. She just wanted him thrusting inside her. Right now.

Wrapping a leg around his calves, she urged him up, wound her arms around his neck and kissed him hard and deep. Tilted her hips and ground them against him, desperate for release. The shower had been good, but now she wanted the real thing.

Matt, however, clearly had other ideas. He lifted his head, breathing raggedly, his eyes blazing. ‘What’s the hurry?’ he murmured.

What was the hurry? Laura bit her lip. She was on the point of exploding. That was the hurry. And then mortification swept down to mingle with the desire pummelling through her and she forced herself back under control.

‘No hurry,’ she man

aged thickly. ‘I just thought, you know, you might be uncomfortable. In pain. Or something.’

‘So altruistic.’

‘That’s me. Always thinking of others.’

‘I hope not,’ Matt said, lifting an eyebrow. ‘I don’t want you to be thinking about anyone but me.’

‘Ah,’ she said. ‘Well, that’s up to you.’

Matt’s eyes flashed. ‘Is that a challenge?’


‘I like challenges.’

‘Excellent,’ she breathed and sighed with delight as he shifted down her body, spread her legs and settled himself between her thighs. At the touch of his mouth at her molten centre, she nearly leapt off the bed.

Oh, God. Forget thinking about anyone else. Forget thinking full stop. At the sheer force of the pleasure shooting through her, her brain shut down. Every drop of her conscious thought zoomed in on his mouth, his lips, his tongue and what they were doing to her.

Her heart thundered. Her hands clutched at the sheets and then tangled in his hair. She lifted her hips, couldn’t stop her back arching as all the pleasure churning around inside her sharpened, shot to her core and then splintered.

Laura cried out as she broke apart. Felt a sob rise in her throat as Matt gripped her hips, tormenting her still further, sucking and licking at her, drawing out every tiny drop of pleasure as shudders continued to rack her body.

Matt moved up her, covering her still quivery body entirely with his. ‘Still thinking of others?’ he muttered, his eyes blazing as they bore into hers.

Laura couldn’t speak, just shook her head.

‘Good.’ And then a wicked gleam lit the depths of his eyes. ‘Maybe I’d better make sure, just in case.’

Oh, God. Could she take any more? Surely it wasn’t possible. Surely her body needed time to recover? But already she could feel herself softening and ripening and humming with renewed desire. ‘That might be wise,’ she said, finally regaining the power of speech, albeit a soft and breathy one.

‘I’m delighted you agree.’

His mouth found hers and as he kissed her he stroked a hand down her body, over the damp triangle of curls at the juncture of her legs and slid a finger deep inside her.

Laura gasped into his kiss and felt herself clench around him.

‘Unbelievable,’ he muttered against her mouth.

‘Incredible,’ she panted.

‘That, too.’