‘Nothing,’ he said, not taking his eyes off her for a second. ‘Merely stating a fact.’

‘Then why bring it up?’

‘Why not?’

‘Because it sounds like a threat.’

‘How you interpret it is up to you,’ he said smoothly. ‘However, there is also your career to consider.’

Her stomach clenched. What did that have to do with anything? ‘My career?’ she echoed, the apprehension growing.

‘The ICA may take a dim view of what you get up to online, don’t you think?’

‘But then again, they may not.’

‘I imagine it would depend on who filed the complaint and how many favours they were owed.’

‘There’s no need for anyone else to know.’

‘I couldn’t agree more.’

And there it was.

The threat she’d heard earlier.

Now not even thinly veiled.

As the truth of what he was saying struck her like a blow to the head Kate went from icy cold to boiling hot, numb incredulity giving way to a burning deluge of emotion.

The bastard.

The complete and utter rat.

How could she ever have thought he wasn’t all bad? He was just as cold and heartless as she’d originally believed. She’d heard he’d go to any lengths to get what he wanted, but there was clearly no line he wouldn’t cross and no weapon he wouldn’t use. He’d taken everything she’d told him that evening in his office, all those deeply personal issues of hers, her troubled adolescence and her worries about her sister, the money, and turned them against her.

How could he do that? she wondered, her entire body shaking as the silence thundered between them. How could he stoop so low? Oh, she was such a fool to have shared. She should have known she’d come to regret it. If only she hadn’t taken his money. If only she’d been stronger. But how could he have insisted she’d owe him nothing and then demand repayment? Had he no integrity?

Something inside her withered and died, and she ruthlessly squashed down the surge of disappointment and hurt and who knew what else.

‘You bastard,’ she said, her voice hoarse with suppressed emotion.

His mouth twisted. ‘If only.’

‘What you’re suggesting is blackmail.’

‘That’s an ugly word.’

‘It’s an ugly concept.’

‘How this plays out is entirely up to you, Kate,’ he said. ‘The choice is yours.’

‘It’s no choice at all and you know it.’

‘So we have a deal?’

He made it sound like a question, but it wasn’t. He had her in the palm of his hand. She so badly wanted to tell him to go to hell but there was too much at stake. While she might be willing to forfeit her career and even her home to retain the moral high ground and never have anything to do with him ever again, she was not risking her sister’s well-being. If she didn’t comply with his wishes, Theo would withdraw his funding. She was sure of it. Because his word clearly meant nothing.

So fine. She’d accompany him to the odd social event if that was what he wanted. She could dangle off his arm and smile nicely for a month. Now she’d seen a glimpse of the man behind the mask she wouldn’t be taken in again. Her guard would remain well and truly up and she would never forget what a low-life jerk he really was.