I'm going to have to watch my feelings.

To my surprise, Ryan's aim is true and not one, but all five of his hoops make it over the little spike.

I guess the emoji pillow is coming home with me then.

Chapter Fifteen

"You shouldn't be up and about," I chide Daphne. It's only been a week, but she's looking terrible and I don't want her exerting herself any more than she should.

"I can sit and write. You need me here," she counters, pulling another of the secret library books towards her and flipping through the pages. "Besides, you need my ability to research."

"You were bored, weren't you?" Caspian jokes, dropping a kiss on the top of my head before sitting down with his own stack.

"Like you wouldn't believe. Do you know Ryan threatened to tell our parents to get me to rest more?"

I chuffed, more amused than I should be. "I see it didn't work?"

"He's on a field trip. What he doesn't know, won't hurt him." She gives each of us a stern look.

"I promise I won't." He'll find out anyway, he doesn't need me to te

ll him.

"I'm glad of your research skills," Thomas says, taking the final seat. "Without the source spell, we're going to struggle with finding out anything that might work."

Daphne and I exchange knowing glances, but stay quiet. We have no proof that the animal spell, or the book it's written in, has anything to do with my curse. I suppose we can ask Ivy, but I doubt she's going to give us any useful information.

"Especially now we've exhausted the black magic route," he finishes

"I don't think we've exhausted it."

Three heads all turn to me in unison. I guess I see why. I'm the one who stopped the black magic in the first place.

"We're just looking at it wrong. Instead of looking for magic we can do, we should be looking for magic that we can meld into our own," I explain. "I know we can't use the exact countercurse that was invented along with mine, but that doesn't mean we can't make one."

"No one's ever done that before." Thomas taps his finger against his chin.

"I'm sure they have," I counter. "They might just not have made it known for some reason. Or maybe we're not looking in the right place."

"No, he is right. It's in the Basic Guide for Witches and Warlocks," Daphne interrupts. "Countercurses must be made with their corresponding curse. But I don't think that means it's the only way. I think we can do what Mona says."

"If you manage it, you'll make names for yourselves," Caspian points out.

"Believe me, that's not my main motivation," I mutter. I just want to be able to stop conjuring things by accident.

"It's worth a try," Daphne says. "We've nothing to lose."

"Alright. We'll try it your way. But I suggest we keep looking for the actual countercurse too," Thomas says.

"Yes." I nod. "But we also need to talk about Feathertop." She's been playing on my mind a lot.

"Agreed. She comes to the library and knows the books we have are missing," Thomas adds.

"So what do we do?" I ask.

Loud banging comes from the door, interrupting the conversation.

I exchange a worried glance with Daphne. No one knows the four of us are here, so why is there a sound coming from the door. Have I summoned Feathertop by talking about her? It seems unlikely, but why else is someone suddenly outside? I know there are spells that can activate when someone says your name.