There's a plastic cup of beer in my hand before I quite know what's happening, but that's okay. With the number of people here, it might be better if I drink. I can hear the whispers already. They call me Mona-No-Magic, even though that's not fair. I can do magic, just not very well any more. I'm still not sure what happened.

"See anyone you like?" Daphne asks, leaning against the fridge.

I shook my head, keeping my eyes as far away from Ryan as I could. The last thing I want is for her to catch that slip, though now I'm trying not to look, my eyes seem to be more drawn to him than ever. The open shirt he's wearing makes him look super suave, more than it should considering he's only eighteen. Maybe it's just being away from home for the first time and getting used to academy life. I have no idea, and I don't want to think about it too hard.

The beer is colder than I expect, but I like it. This way, it feels much less trashy and like I'm at a dorm party. This really isn't my thing, I'd rather be back in my flat studying.

"I haven't seen you around much," new guy says, coming to stand beside me.

I look around for Daphne to rescue me, but she's disappeared off into the throng of people. I didn't even know the flats could hold this many.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he says.

"I'm not," I promise. "I just don't normally come to these things." I give him an uneasy smile. Not intentionally, but it's the best I can manage.

"Why not?"

"I'm not exactly popular," I mutter.

"I think I'd remember seeing you, even if you're not popular."

I scoff. "Trust me, I'm memorable."

"I've only been here a week," he says.

"Ah, I'm sure you'll get to know about me soon."

"Hopefully I'll have a class with you." He takes a sip of his beer, so I do the same. If I'm going to have a slightly awkward conversation about why he'll remember me, then I'm going to take the fortitude beer will give me.

"Hopefully you won't," I mutter too quietly for him to hear.

"Do you like it at Grimalkin?"

What's with all the questions? I don't think I've ever had this kind of bombardment before.

I shrug. "It's not what I thought it was going to be." That's a fair assessment. I never imagined magic would become difficult for me. I've been a natural my entire life. At least, according to my parents, I have. I can feel the difference in my magic since getting here though, and that's what convinces me that something is wrong.

"I know what you mean."

"I need to go find my friends," I blurt out, starting to step away from him.

"Won't you tell me your name first?" he asks.

I open my mouth to respond, not knowing if I actually want to answer or not. I'm confused, that's for sure.

"Mona, are you alright?" Ryan asks, placing a hand on my lower back.

I long to lean into his touch, but I know I shouldn't. He's not my boyfriend. He's barely even my friend.

"Yes, I'm fine," I respond with a weak smile.

"Is this guy bothering you?"

I shake my head. "He was being perfectly lovely." I smile at the new guy, even if my nerves are starting to show. It isn't his fault I'm wary of people. Far from it.

"He better be." He brings two fingers up to his eyes, then points at the new guy in the universal I'm-watching-you gesture.

I try not to laugh, and just grimace instead. I must look comical. Now neither of the guys will want to be friends with me. Which is fine. I don't need them. I have Daphne, I don't need anyone else.