I sigh. "It isn't. I haven't spoken to him since we were in the...library." I catch myself just before I let the word secret slip. I know she'll want me to take her there if she knows about it, and while I want to, I don't know how Thomas will feel about it. I'll ask him next time he decides to talk to me.

"And Caspian?"

"Is fine. We're going to the library later."

"What is it with you, guys, and libraries?" she jokes. "Next, you'll be telling me that's where you and Ryan are working through the potions stuff in there too."

"Where else would we be doing it?" I respond, though now she's saying it, I do spend a lot of time in the library with various guys. I swear the people working there must think I have some kind of harem.

"In your room?"

"I don't want to give him the wrong impression."

"Oh, Mona. Isn't that the whole idea of studying with him in the first place?" She's so amused, and I don't really understand why.

"And here was me thinking the point of us studying was so he could pass potions."

Our attention is drawn away from our conversation by shouts from the football team.

"You'd think we'd have invented a magical sport better than that," I observe.

"Just because you want to play Quidditch."

"I never said I wanted to play, just that it would be a good sport to watch if it wasn't fictional." All the good sports were just that, the figment of someone else's imagination.

"Alright, I'll give you that. It would be fun to watch."

"Maybe we should try enchanting a broom at some point and try to make it real," I muse.

"You're scared of heights."

I scowl. "We don't have to go very high."

"I think that defeats the point."

"Spoilsport." I cross my arms and fake pout. There, that'll teach her to tell me my ideas are no good.

"Says you who keeps taking guys to the library and not your bedroom."

"It's not like you've taken any back to yours either," I point out, regretting it the moment the words are out and hurt colours her face. "I'm sorry, Daphne, I didn't mean it like that..."

"I know. Don't worry." She waves it away.

"He's still not talking to you?"

"Not even in class. But can we not talk about it?"

"Sure, sorry." I feel bad for bringing her ex up in the first place. I know she's still smarting from his rejection. I just wish I could do something about it.

We lapse into silence, both enjoying the warm weather. I'm looking forward to summer when we can do this more often. If my magic sorts itself out, maybe we can even bring the kittens out and cast a glamour over them so no one can see what they are.

"I hope the weather stays like this," she says after a while.

I snort. "You know it won't. It'll start raining, then go cold. And then the snow will start and we'll have one day of loving it, followed by a whole month of wishing for summer."

"And then we'll wish for winter because it's too hot to even function." She laughs lightly, and I'm glad we haven't completely ruined the mood by talking about past boyfriends.

"Being British is so fun sometimes," I drawl.