"Where did all the stuff for the cats come from?" he asks.

"Caspian got it for me," I say, turning back to the pan.

I see him crouch down and set the kittens on the floor from the corner of my eye. I guess this is a weird kind of jealousy rearing its head over the fact another guy had bought me things. Well, bought my kittens things.

"Caspian? The new guy?"

"That's the one. We've been hanging out." I sound far more flippant about our budding relationship than I feel, but without talking to Caspian, I don't want to put any explanations of what we are to one another out in the world, other than to Daphne. Everyone knows the best friend doesn’t count.

"When did this start?"

I can feel his eyes glaring at my back. Huh. Maybe Daphne is on to something and he is into me.

"After his party."

The kitchen falls into silence save for the sizzling of my pan. At a loss for what else to do, I drop the chicken in and watch as it browns. The coconut milk and other ingredients are all sat next to the hob waiting for me to need them. I like cooking like this. Having an order to the situation really helps me focus on what needs doing and when.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks softly.

A tiny laugh escapes from Daphne, but I'm not sure Ryan hears it. That's probably a good thing.

"I wasn't aware I needed to give you a blow by blow of my love life, Ryan," I answer, keeping my voice far cooler than I actually feel. Is there a chance I've messed up whatever there could have been between the two of us by dating someone I just met?

No. If it's meant to be, it'll all be fine. That's how all that stuff works. I think.

I make the rest of dinner in silence while Ryan and Daphne play with the kittens. They're not talking about anything other than how cute the three little fluff balls are, so I start to relax a bit. Nothing can be really wrong if the focus is on some kittens. At least, that's what I'm going to keep telling myself.

Maybe I'm being a fool. About all of this. I don't know, and I'm not sure I care at this point. I just want to be able to get on with my time here at Grimalkin and not have to worry about my love life. Unsurprisingly, I'm not here to find a boyfriend. I'm here to learn.

My gaze slips to my phone. Maybe I should be thinking more seriously about this Unleashing ceremony. If I'm not careful, I'll end up barely passing my exams and then having to get a mundane job out in the world. Or no job at all. I've heard horror stories about people who did badly at university and then couldn't get any kind of work because they're either over or under qualified.

Nope. That's not a life I want for myself.

I fill three bowls with rice and curry, before setting two down in front of the twins. "There's more if you want it," I tell them while grabbing my own dish.

The food disappears quickly. Though really, it always does when those two are around. I've often found myself wondering whether or not they used to challenge each other to a food race, but I never have the guts to actually ask.

"Daphne said you wanted to come over," I say to Ryan, feeling a little too forward about it, but knowing it’s the best way to cut to the chase. "I doubt its because you wanted food."

"You do cook really tasty things though," he counters.

"Nuh-uh. I'm not buying it. Spill." I cross my arms and try to look stern, only uncrossing them seconds later when Rhubarb bats my leg with his paw. I lean down and pick up the kitten, letting him snuggle into my arms.

There goes my attempt at looking stern. No one is ever going to believe I mean business when I have a tiny ball of fluff perched on my knee.

"I need help with my potions homework." His words run together as he speaks so quickly, but I hear them.

"What kind of help?" I eye him suspiciously.

Ryan doesn't say anything, causing Daphne to roll her eyes and sigh in frustration.

"He's failing potions and he wants to ask you if you'll tutor him," she says on behalf of her brother.

"Oh." That's unexpected. No one wants my help in anything magic related and I don't blame them. Though I suppose I am good at potions, so this one does make some kind of mistake.

"I'll pay you?" Ryan offers.

I scoff. "You're not paying me."