"I doubt that," he counters.

"Don't. I'm not very popular."

"Popularity is just a good way of saying a lot of people like you a little. Not that real people like you a lot."

Huh, I like that way of looking at it.

"I should get going," I say after glancing at my watch. "I have class in ten minutes."

He nods and pulls out his phone, snapping a few photos of the book. My phone vibrates, letting me know he's sent them to me. I don't know how I feel about walking around with instructions for black magic in my pocket. I guess time will tell on that front.

Chapter Eleven

Onions sizzle in my pan, filling the air with the sweet scent of caramelisation. I throw spices into the pan, knowing Daphne will be back in about five minutes and will likely be hungry already. It's cheaper to cook for two and split the cost, and I genuinely enjoy it, so it makes sense for me to make us dinner sometimes.

She comes bustling in moments later, but she's not alone. I wonder if she and Heath have patched it up already. I don't know the vampire she dated very well at all, but I do know how sad she was when he ended things. If they're back together, it'll be good to get to know him properly and not just through what she says about him.

"Smells good, Mona. Any chance of enough for three?"

My eyes widen at the sound of Ryan's voice. I haven't seen him since potions the other day, and certainly not in a non-class setting since Daphne had revealed my crush on him. I hope she hasn't had a similar conversation with him.

"Yes, sure," I squeak. I shuffle over to the fridge to grab another chicken breast.

"What are we having?" Daphne asks.

"Thai Green Curry." I stir the spices and onions around the pan. I know this bit is crucial to allow the flavours time to fully develop, but now they're here, I'm starting to worry I'm not doing things right. Maybe I should pull a recipe up on my phone, or suggest we get takeout instead.

"That sounds great," Ryan announces, flopping down in one of the chairs at our table. "Where are the kittens?"

"In my room." It doesn't feel right to have them in the kitchen while I'm cooking, not when it means I haven't got any time to give them fuss and attention.

"Can I go get them?"

"Sure." I shrug. They'll love the attention and it'll give me a moment alone with Daphne to ask what the hell she's doing. "Just a heads up, there's three now."

"Yes, Daphne said. I'm looking forward to meeting the new one." He bounces out of the room before I can say anything else.

Turning to my best friend, I point a spatula at her. "What are you doing?" I hiss.

"Ryan asked to come," she admits. "He more or less walked me here."

I shake my head. "And you couldn't have told him we needed some girl time because..."

"The two of you should spend more time with one another. You'd be cute together." She shrugs and goes to sit down on one of the other chairs.

"And what about Caspian?" I ask hastily.

"What about him?"

"I can't date Ryan, I'm already dating someone."

"I thought his name was Thomas." She grins like she's enjoying this.

"No, Thomas is helping me with my magic. I'm only dating Caspian."

"And you don't want to date Thomas too?" Her smile turns into a smirk. She really is enjoying this, far more than she should be.

I'm about to respond when Ryan saunters back in, three kittens in his arms, each of them mewling for attention. My heart flips in my chest at the sight. He's so adorable standing there like that.