"Yes?" I ask, turning back to face her. Mum always told me to be strong in the face of bullies. Not that I think Ivy is one. She's just a spoiled little mean girl who doesn't like me, I won't give her any more power than that.

"Don't forget your kitten." She points to the floor where, sure enough, a tiny black kitten with white socks and patch under his neck is picking his way through the feathers.

I sigh inwardly. At least my magic is doing what I want it to. Kind of. It just happens to come along with some side effects, which is problematic, but a little less so than it had been a week ago. Progress is always good.

Just like the other two, this kitten has no problem being scooped up and carried around. I may even go as far as thinking the magically created kittens like it.

I sit back down next to Caspian, trying to ignore the stares and whispers I'm subject to. While the kittens themselves aren't a problem, these are.

"What are you going to call him?" Caspian asks.

I shrug. "I was out of cat names with the first one. Do you want to name him?" I hold out the black and white kitten.

To my surprise, Caspian takes him from me. I didn't think he would, given we're in co

mpany. It's one thing to be okay with this in private, quite another in public.

"I think he looks like a Felix," he says decidedly.

I cock my head to the side, looking at the cat. "I think you're right." But that also makes no sense at all. How can a cat look like a name? But Felix fits this little guy.

A group of girls off to the side is still whispering and giggling, getting louder with every moment.

"How can she call herself a witch when she's malfunctioning like that?" one of them asks.

I grit my teeth, knowing it's better if I don't respond at all. It's none of her business what I call myself, or what problems I'm having.

Caspian rubs a hand on the small of my back, calming me down faster than I expect it to.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"You're welcome. Do you want to stick around or would you rather go back to yours?" he asks, keeping his voice low and intimate, but probably mostly so other people can't hear what he's saying.

"That sounds rather suggestive," I respond, a small giggle escaping at the end of my sentence. Apparently, I'm channelling Daphne right now and am going with innuendo.

"That's not what I meant," Caspian says quickly. "I promise, I didn't mean anything other than going back and playing with the kittens, maybe have a drink. Chat a little..."

I place a hand over his, which is quite impressive given he's still holding a kitten. "I know what you meant. And yes, I think I'd like that." It certainly beats staying here. I'm sure Ivy has more plans to humiliate me, and as much as I find the kittens cute, I don't need to do more magic and create another kitten. Three is enough to look after.

The easy answer is not to bow to peer pressure, I know that. And yet, that's easier said than done. I can pretend I won't give in and do more magic all I want, but deep down, I know I'll cave. More than anything, I like doing magic. And this is a good reason to show off. Except that it's not because my magic isn't working right, but that won't stop me.

We get up and ready ourselves to leave. People are coming and going despite the big game of truth or dare going on, so I don't think it'll matter too much, especially now the attention is on Ivy's next victim.

"I should stay and give her an awful dare," I mutter, staring at the other girl. She really is perfect. Except that she's a bitch and roaring drunk.

Caspian chuckles. "We can, if you want."

I shake my head. "I wouldn't know what to dare her with anyway. This game is supposed to be fun, not used to torture people." And therein lay the difference between Ivy and me. She's hurt people, me included. And I refuse to stoop to that level.

"Where do you think you're going?" she demands as she notices us heading for the door.

"Home," I respond sweetly. "I've come to your party and participated in the required embarrassment, now I'm going back to my room. Caspian's coming too." I shouldn't add the last bit, but I do, enjoying the look of unadulterated anger on her face.

We don't wait for her to respond, that would be pointless when I don't think she's going to.

"Why has Ivy suddenly taken such a big dislike to me?" I muse the moment we're in the hallway and not surrounded by other students.

"She hasn't always been this way?" he asks, putting an arm around me as we walk and pulling me closer to him.