We turn a corner, and I stop in my tracks, the guys stopping just as abruptly. There's two hunters pacing back and forth just down the corridor from us, and though neither of them have spotted us, it's only a matter of time. Especially as we actually have to get past them in order to reach the van Dimitri has parked outside.

I wave the guys back away, and saunter down the corridor, wondering if this is a good idea. It's probably not, but I have three vampires to back me up if it goes wrong.

"The Commander sent me to take over," I announce loudly, gaining both of their attentions.

I flick my hair over my shoulder and try to infuse myself with a confidence I really don't feel. But I have no choice. If they fall for this, then we're out of the guild without too much of a problem. And at this point, I have a feeling that's the best we can hope for.

"And you are?" the one on the left asks.

"Josie," I answer, recalling one of the names I'd used undercover a couple of times. I'm hoping they don't have a description of me on hand, but given how slowly they're reacting, I suspect not.

"Thanks, I was starting to get hungry," the other one answered.

I flash him a weak smile, hoping my nerves aren't showing too much. I'm not sure I can take them both on while trying not to hurt them. At least I have the guys who can help with that if things take a turn for the worst.

"No problem. Nadia will be along shortly to help me anyway," I add, crossing my fingers and hoping they weren't aware of the whereabouts of the other female hunter.

"Good, wouldn't want you on your own with so many vamps about, you know what they're like," the first hunter says, laughing as he finishes.

"Yes," I respond, faking a smile again, all while thinking that I do know what vamps are like, and they're nothing like anything I was ever told or could possibly imagine.

"See you later, Josie," the other one said, waving and walking off down the corridor.

I listen as their footsteps recede, taking them that little bit further away from me. My breath catches in my throat, and my heart pounds That was too smooth, and I'm not sure I like it.

A couple more steps, and then a sudden stop.


They're on to me.

I'm not sure quite how I know, but I can sense it.

I slip my hands down, and palm the handles of my sai, removing them from their holsters in a slick movement born from years of practice.

But I don't do anything else. I'm not going to make the first move. That would show my hand, but would also make me kind of a bitch. Though, given recent events, I may be one anyway. But that's not the point.

Starting to live from the mantra of not harming anyone unless they're trying to harm me, sounds better and better by the minute. Something for me to strive for once we were done with the guild then.

A girl can dream. I don't even know what I want to do when we're all sorted.

The hunters are good. I can barely hear them running back towards me. But barely is all I need to be prepared. The moment the two of them are almost level with me, I spin around, and throw out my arms, both sai flying. I need to be careful though. I don't want to get too carried away and accidentally hurt them. A few bumps or bruises, but that's all.

Or that's all I intend to give them. .

"How did you figure it out?" I ask, realising I'm a parody of just about every bad fight movie there is out there right now. I used to wonder how the bad guys manage to talk while they're fighting, but now I have my answer. They're obviously just highly trained vampires.

"Nadia's on assignment," the second hunter replies, swinging his leg out to try and trip me. I jump over it. It'll take a bit more than that to catch me off guard.

Stupid of me to assume I could use a real hunter's name though. It may have been better if I'd used a generic name they wouldn't have been able to trace back to someone. Oh well, a lesson for next time. Though hopefully, there won't be a next time. I just want this to be done already.

A grunt from the other end of the corridor almost draws my attention away from what I'm doing. And a brief glance reveals what's happening, but doesn't stop me from blocking hunter one's attack from my left.

Turns out, this may have been a trap.


I'm not sure how many hunters the others are dealing with. There's about fifty in total, that I know about, but it's night, some of them will surely be out on assignment. The others are apparently in this very specific part of the building.