Yippee for me.

"Sorry, just trying to work out where to start."

"I tend to find the beginning is a good place," I deadpan. But there is a seriousness to my words. I want to know. And I want to know it all. Because, by the sounds of it, my entire situation in life is a result of something he did.

I'm not saying he personally is to blame. I know it doesn't work like that. But he might be the catalyst.

"While I was still human, I was a priest. Not because I was particularly religious, more because I was a second son."

"A priest?" I repeat, trying not to laugh.

"Yes." He smirks. "Funny, isn't it?"

"Did your cross not protect you from..."

"I wasn't wearing it that night. So I have no idea if it'd have made a difference. But I was in town doing, erm..."

"Things a priest shouldn't?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. He can see my amusement I'm sure. But I don't really care. Of all the being-turned-into-a-vampire stories I can think of, that's got to be by far the most ridiculous.

"I was at a brothel."


"The madam took a liking to me, and decided to keep me as her own."

"By making you into a vampire, got it. But where does the guild fit in?" I ask, gesturing around. It's all very well talking about how he became a vampire, but I doubt that has anything to do with the place that hunts them down.

"After I was turned, I was very bitter. I didn't want this life. So I tried to do something about it. I met with one of my priesthood in secret, and we founded the guild."

"You founded the very thing that could hunt you down and kill you?" I'm surprised. Beyond that, really. How could he do that to himself? Did he have a death wish back then? Does he still have one now?

"Yes. In hindsight, not my brightest idea. But all of the Commanders have always known about me. And eventually, I made the deal where my own den, and myself, were immune." He looks away.

"But other vampires are fair game?" I demand, fuming inside.

"I've been trying, Ashryn. Every ten years or so, I make an attempt to bring this place down. But so far, nothing I've tried to do has worked. We've even changed hunters before, but none of them seem to have ever taken to the vampire life quite like you have."

"I've been a vampire for a week. Hardly time to know how I'll take to it," I point out.

"Isn't it? Tell me, Ashryn, how have you been feeling in the past week?" The look he gives me tells me he thinks he knows what I'll say already. But that's not going to think about my answer before giving it.

I examine everything that's happened. And my thoughts and feelings on the matter, and come to the realisation that I genuinely am happier.

"I feel like I belong," I say softly.

"Interesting," Dimitri muses. "Not quite what I thought you'd say, but along the same sentiment."

"So you've never been able to send someone who knew the guild here?" I ask, thinking what he's said through. We can leave my personal revelations for later. An image

of the two of us in a far more comfortable situation, talking about this same thing springs to mind.

"No, you're the only one who has even gone a long with it."

"Why send Bram?" That's been plaguing me since we got here. Bram's been in a crazy amount of danger ever since this mission began. It seems unfair to him to put him in that position, just to get me into the guild.

"Honestly? I thought Bram needed some time away from the den. And needed some time with you."

"Me?" I squeak.