"In hindsight, yes. At six, it was all I ever knew. I didn't think twice about it."

"When were you sent on your first mission?"

Why is he suddenly so interested? Okay, silly question. I know why he's interested. Most vampires will be when they find out my past. Know thy enemy is a real thing after all.

"Nine," I reply. "But it wasn't a proper mission. The vampire was weak anyway."

"Lack of blood?"

I nod. "I think so. In hindsight, I think they'd already caught him. And then kept him there."

We're silent for a moment. Neither of us quite sure what to say. All the missions I've taken part of fly through my head, and regret wells up inside me. I've caused so much pain in my life. Killed so many people. So what if they were vampires. That doesn't make them worth any less.

Without me wanting it to, a sob bubbles up from my throat.

"Ashryn?" Worry fills Bram's voice. But I ignore that. Knowing he cares for me isn't going to help either of us. In fact, it'll make it harder if he goes back to being a distant dick again. That was kind of annoying when he did that.

I sob again. Fuck. When did I become this way? I'm not the kind of girl who just cries at stuff. I'm the kind of woman who kicks it's ass.

To my surprise, Bram puts an arm around me and pulls me even closer to him than I was before. His body is alongside mine, and I can feel the hard muscles of his chest against mine.

This is the kind of thing I can get used to. The kind of thing that makes me believe in fairy tales and romance again.

No. Best not go there.

The sobs begin to fade, and I drift off to sleep.

Chapter 3

"Ashryn?" Bram shakes me awake, and I blink furiously, shielding my eyes on reflex before realising it's pitch black in here so doesn't matter anyway.


"You feel asleep."

"I did what?" That isn't like me. I never sleep on a job. Oh wait, I'm not on a job. But on the run is kind of like being on a job, right?

"You feel asleep." He shifts slightly next to me. Potentially in discomfort, though I have no way of truly knowing.

"That seems unlikely."

"Unlikely or not, you fell asleep. But it's time for us to go now."

"Are you sure?" I ask, completely unsure how he knows that. Maybe it's some internal vampire body clock thing that I'm yet to discover.


"We'll still need to be careful in case there are hunters about," I say, before realising how stupid it is to point that out. He's well aware of that. Which is probably one of the reasons he hates hunters so much. I'm not sure I believe that his wife's death is all there is to it. Not by a long shot. he doesn't feel much for her now, if what he's been saying is true. And taking revenge for a woman he doesn't care about just doesn't seem to fit with anything I know.

"I know. But I can't hear anything from them."

"You can hear through metal?"

"You can't?" he counters.


"Are you sure?" He sounds amused. Why does he sound so amused? Am I missing something.