Eric helps me from the van, and let's me lean on him until we're stood in the garage.

"I need to go do something," he mutters, letting go of me before I can reply with any kind of words.

He flits off towards the door, leaving me standing alone with Bram. I'm not even sure where Dimitri has gone, but he's probably doing important things. Spending as much of today stuck in the guild as he did probably wasn't part of his plan for the day.

"Come on, let's get you to your room," Bram says, wrapping one of his arms around me and letting me lean on him.

I'm surprised by how much I need the support, but I'm weary.

"Why do I feel it so bad?" I ask, my words slurring together. "You guys seem fine," I add. Pretty uselessly. I'm sure all three of them have noticed my floppiness.

"You're a new vampire, Ashryn. We can go longer without blood than you can. And your body is still recovering from the change, never mind everything we went through back there."

"And the burns," I add without thinking.

Bram chuckles. "Yes, and the burns. You've really put yourself through the wars, Ashryn."

I like it when he says my name. There's something about the inflection in it that calls to me. It makes me feel special and wanted.

I've never know what it's like to be wanted before.

We take another couple of steps. Well, Bram takes another couple of steps, I take a bit of a stumble, almost dragging us down to the floor without meaning to.


"It's okay." His voice is soft. So different from when we set off on this mission.

Before I quite know what's happening, he's scooped me up into his arms, and is carrying me into the building.

"You don't have to carry me," I protest.

"I know. But the alternative is it taking us hours to reach your room, and we need to get you some blood."

"There's blood in my room?" I perk up a little.

"Yes, I'm sure Dimitri already had some sent up. But if not, I'll personally go fetch you some," he replies.

"Not your blood?"

"Not this time. You need human blood."

I nod, remembering what he said about human versus vampire blood. My body is weak. Meaning he's right, I really do need human blood to make me stronger again. It doesn't repulse me as much as I thought it would before. Nothing about being a vampire does.

If I'm not careful, this is going to start sounding a lot like acceptance.

We lapse into comfortable silence, the sway of his body as he walks almost rocking me to sleep. Great, now I'm acting like a giant bab

y. I lean my head against his shoulder, and close my eyes. Sleep is close, I know it is.

My eyes only flutter back open as Bram lays me down on my bed, and I make a sleepy noise.

He leans forward, and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. This time, my noise is a contented one.

"Is she going to be alright?" Bram's voice is steady, but there's definitely a hint of concern in there. Or maybe it's just my sleepy imagination hearing what I want to.

"Yes," Remus' deep voice replies. "She just needs to drink some blood."
