"So we're not getting everyone else involved?" I ask, relief coursing through me. As much as the extra help would be welcome, I don't want to drag anyone that doesn't have to be involved into this. It's not fair to them.

And that's where the guild will probably go wrong. They'll rely on too many people in this fight, and people that are used to working solo, or in small groups. They're not going to listen to complex instructions and strategy from someone at the top. They're going to go off on their own and do what they please.

"I highly doubt it. I imagine it'll be the four of us in a room figuring out where we go from here," Bram says, looking at Eric for confirmation.

"We might bring Remus in too."

I can hear Eric's dislike to the doctor in his voice, but I'm not going to stand for that. If Bram and I can get on with each other, then Eric and Remus can.

"All you have to do is admit your secret to him," I point out. Remus hates the fact he thinks Eric is a false prophet. Though to be fair to him, Eric is a false prophet. Most people just weren't aware of it.

"He knows," Eric says sadly.

"Alright then, you can explain the situation to him. he's a reasonable guy, he's not going to be a dick about it."

"Why are we so team Remus, Ashryn?" Bram asks, amusement dancing through his eyes as I blush.


"Interesting," he muses. "Why don't you say that again so we can appreciate the eloquence."

I glare at him, but he can tell I'm not being serious, so effectively ignores me. Good to know the only place I have complete control is when we're trying to escape places. A useful skill, but not one I can actually use.

"It's okay, I know why Remus. We talked about it, remember?"

I nod. Of course I do, he correctly guessed my feelings towards the other man are complicated. To be fair, my feelings towards them all are complicated. Though, when I think about it, I'm not sure they are. There's definitely a certain level of affection for them all. That could be because they've saved me from a life of servitude. Or maybe because they've finally given me somewhere to belong.

"Do I get to know?" Eric jokes. But I ignore him. Possibly a little unfair, but there's nothing to be done about that. There's too much going on in my head if I'm honest.

Three bangs on the separator between us and Dimitri tells us we're pulling into the den's garage. Thankfully, it's an indoor one, so we can get from here to the house without seeing any sun.

I slump back into the seat, exhaustion washing over me. It's been a really long day. Or night, or however long it's actually been since we left. It's hard to tell when I spent some of it involuntarily unconscious.

"Just five more minutes, Ashryn," Eric says, and let's go of my hand. I just about manage to stop the whine that comes from me at the loss of contact. But I'm glad I do. I'm not ready for him to know exactly the effect his beautiful face is having on me.

Especially when Bram and Dimitri are already well aware of how I respond to them. I'd say it's unfair, but I'm pretty sure they've been showing their own feelings in return.

I can live with that.

The van grinds to a halt with a slight screech. Apparently I'm not the only one who is anxious to get into my own bed. Another weird thought there. I've been here for less time than I lived at the guild, and yet this is where I feel I fit.

It's not anything to do with the vampires themselves, or with these specific men, I don't think, anyway Something tells me it's more to do with the way it makes me feel. Free.

I feel free.

For the first time in my life, I can truly be who I want to be. Apparently extreme exhaustion leads to these kinds of realisations. I'd try it more often, but it sounds a little unhealthy.

"Come on, you," Bram teases, nudging me to get my attention.

I didn't even realise I've zoned out until he does that.

"Sorry," I murmur.

"No need to be sorry, but I don't want to have to carry you to bed."

"Are you sure?" I ask, fluttering my eyelashes at him.

Bram's eyes darken with something like desire, sending a dark thrill through me. But realistically, I'm too tired for any bed fun. And I think I should wait. This time won't be like the others. I can tell. The next time I'm in bed with a man, is going to be the start of something more.