"Regroup?" Eric gulps as he speaks. I don't think he likes the idea of coming back at all. But I think we all know it's something we have to do. If Dimitri's been trying to sort this for decades, then enough is enough. This is going to be the time he finally destroys the guild.

Chapter 8

Sneaking through these corridors i getting kind of old now. Up until now, I've always strutted down them without caring who sees me doing what.

Now, if any one sees me, they'll try to kill me. Guess this is the unsavory side of being a vampire. Now I'm on the other side of it, hunting really isn't very fun. It never had been if I'm honest about it.

"How much further?" Eric asks, his breath coming a little bit ragged. I frown. That's not a good sign. If we actually end up head to head with any hunters, then he could be a major liability. Not that it's his fault really. He's just not used to this kind of thing.

"A couple more turns, then we should have an exit."

I chew on my lower lip, thinking over the other major problem that could face us.

"What's wrong?" Bram asks, resting his hand lightly on the small of my back. I like it there. It's soothing, and conveys an affection that I'll admit isn't something I'm used to. Seems that being stuck in a bunker with me, then learning I already knew his secret, has completely softened Bram to me. I can't say I'm complaining. The couple of kisses we've exchanged so far have been electrifying.

I'm also intrigued by the potential with Dimitri, but I can't dwell on that. I can hardly call what we did a kiss, never mind try and work out what it means. Those are thoughts best left for another day. Preferably tomorrow.

"Is it day or night outside?" I ask.

"Night," Dimitri replies. "But only just. Daybreak isn't far off."


"We have a blacked out van, Ashryn," he reassures me. "We just have to get to it."

"Aren't they going to be expecting that?" I ask. "Actually, why are they after you? Didn't you come here in peace?"

"Lincoln's never been my biggest fan."

"Wow, the surprise. The head of the guild isn't a fan of vampires." I can't help the sarcasm that slips into my voice. Probably not my best plan to provoke an argument, but there's nothing for it now, the words are out and into the world.

Dimitri laughs. "Well, when you put it like that...But no. It's more of a personality dislike I believe. There's something between us that just rubs us each up the wrong way. There's nothing that either of us can do about it."

"So if he doesn't like you, that means he wants to kill you? Even if you have immunity?" I probe, thinking back to our earlier conversation.

"You used to be a hunter, Ashryn. You tell me, what do you do to vampires you don't like?"

> Bram leans in so his lips are level with my ear. "Kiss them," he whispers, and a small giggle escapes me.

Wow. I've never been so girly. What's going on with that? Am I secretly a girly-girl, but a suppressed one? If so, then what other parts of personality have been squashed down because of the training? I guess that's something I'll need to discover for myself.

"True. But it seems particularly bad to go back on a treaty and someone's word," I respond, ignoring Bram's oh-so-true comment. Or not so true, maybe. I didn't exactly dislike him. Far from it actually, now I was feeling more and more drawn to him by the moment. To vampires in general, and these other men more specifically. It's certainly an interesting turn around for me.

"Well, Lincoln is more like the old school hunters. He wants us all dead, and will stop at nothing to do it."

"By us, do you mean vampires, or people with extra bits of power in general?" I ask, thinking back to his disdain over my own extra ability.

"I suspect the latter. He doesn't seem to be a very understanding man."

"I wonder why," I mused. There must be a reason why he's so against us all. I wonder if it's something as simple as we can do things he can't? It can't be. There must be another level to it. I refuse to accept someone advocates genocide without a good reason. Or what they see as a good reason. Personally, there's never an excuse for genocide.

Which makes it far worse that I actually took part in making it a reality.

"Don't go down that path again," Bram says softly. "It's not worth it, Ashryn. You can't go through your life blaming yourself for your past."

"I guess." I'm not convinced. I'm still sure I am partly to blame. I could have said no at any point. I could have done my own research, or just thought about it for myself, instead of going along blindly.

I'm kind of hoping I can atone for some of my mistakes by bringing down the guild.