The ghost doesn't say anything as she approaches the ripple. She reaches out with a pale finger and touches it. She fades away in front of my eyes, leaving the world far behind.

I'm not sure what I expected from a reaping, but it isn't the sense of peace settling around us. It's oddly beautiful.

The magic drains from the air, leaving nothing but the echo of a ghost.

"Is it like that every time?" I ask Mathias.

"Unless the ghost isn't ready to go, yes. But that's what we're here for. We're making sure they get the peace they need." He reattaches his scythe to the holder on his back with practised ease. I don't think I could manage it nearly so smoothly.

"It's beautiful."

"It is," he agrees. "And it doesn't stop being. I always get nervous when I'm swinging my scythe towards someone, but after, I know it's the right thing to do, and that helps."

"So, what do we do now? Do we have to wait for them?" I gesture towards the house, hoping he knows I mean the police.

"No, we've done our bit. Reapers and ghosts can't testify in trials, we can only point law enforcement in the right direction."

"Does that mean no paperwork?"

"Sadly not. We have plenty of that to do. But we can do it back at the academy."

"Do you think Juliet will be back in her room so we can get fancy coffee?"

He chuckles. "Already turned off the vending machine stuff?"

"A little," I admit.

"I don't know. But how about we go to one of the coffee shops down the road and get ourselves one to go before we head back to the academy. My treat."

"Do we get to have a brownie too?"

He grins. "Anything you want."

"That sounds perfect. Let's do that."

He holds out his arm for me and I slip my hand through, resting it on his sleeve. We head down the street towards the coffee shop, with all thoughts of the Shadow Association and what they might do to get me back almost completely gone.

Chapter Fourteen

I slip my key into the lock and twist, pushing the door open and leading Mathias into my room. A small part of me wonders whether this is a good idea. But the common room is full of people and I don't want to do paperwork with so many distractions going on. That's a recipe for disaster, especially the first time. I want to make sure I get this right. Especially as this is a good learning experience.

"Do you have the forms already?" I ask Mathias.

"We can download them on your laptop."

I bite my bottom lip. "I don't have one yet."

"Oh. Well I can go get mine. Here." He hands me his coffee and the bag containing my brownie and his blueberry muffin. "I'll be back in a moment." He hesitates for a moment as if he wants to lean in and kiss my cheek.

My heart flutters at the thought, but I get it back in check before anything happens.

I make my way into the room and set down the coffee and cake on my desk. I unstrap my scythe and pull it from my back, I hold it for a moment. It's heavy, but it sits easily in my hands. The head is intricately decorated, more so than I expected, but the smith said that's what the metal told him when he was shaping it. I'd never have asked for something so elaborate, but I have to admit it feels right to me. Which I suspect is part of the point.

I lift it into the hanging space next to the wardrobe. When I first moved into the room, I wondered what it was for, but thankfully, Juliet explained it to me.

I turn around and spot a piece of paper on the floor. I frown. Did I drop something when I came in? I don't think so, but that doesn't mean anything.

I lean down and pick it up only to almost drop it again when I spot the familiar seal on the back. What do they want now?