"I feel like I missed something," Tobias says.

I take a deep breath. This isn't going to be pretty, especially if their cousin is a member.

"I grew up in a house belonging to the Shadow Association," I blurt out.

The brothers exchange glances.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Mathias asks.

"It's not the easiest thing to tell anyone. And I also didn't really know."

Tobias frowns. "How can you not know you used to live in a cult?"

"If people knew they were in a cult, then cults wouldn't have the power they do," Juliet points out.

"No one has ever told me what the Shadow Association even is. All I know about it is that they raised me from when I was a baby. I went to school like

a normal human and didn't take part in any rituals or anything. I knew the adults in the house I lived in were cold and didn't seem to really care about any of us. But they never told us anything about the Association themselves other than that they were the ones who had to sign all our official stuff." Now I'm saying it out loud, I have to wonder how I managed to miss all the signs.

"That's what I suggested talking to the two of you about this," Juliet says. "I know you know more about it after what happened with Stephanie."

Mathias grimaces. "We don't talk about it very much."

"You don't have to if you don't want to," I assure him quickly, not wanting to make either of my new friends uncomfortable.

Mathias narrows his eyes. "What aren't you telling us?"

"She's been summoned to take the Shadow Oath," Juliet says. "That's the letter she got at the library."

Tobias pulls snacks out of the bag and puts them on the table. He must have suspected how hard the conversation was going to be judging by the mountain of sugary and greasy snacks.

"That's not good. It's really hard to get someone out once they've sworn the oath," Tobias says.

"I never wanted to swear it," I assure them. "I don't even know what it's about."

"You're expected to promise to uphold the rules of the Shadow Association and denounce all ties with any other supernatural organisation," Mathias says.

My mouth falls open. "What? The Shadow Association is supernatural?"

"They really didn't tell you anything?" Tobias raises an eyebrow.

"Nope. Nothing at all. Maybe they hoped we wouldn't ask too many questions and they'd get away with...I'm still not sure." I resist the urge to bury my face in my hands and hide from the world.

"Don't forget your coffee," Juliet reminds me softly.

I nod, glad for something to take my mind off how helpless I feel. I pick up the mug and take a sip. Juliet isn't wrong, this is much better than the vending machine coffee. If she's not careful, she's going to end up with me in her room getting coffee all the time. But perhaps that's her plan.

"The Shadow Association is a group of supernaturals who feel we should be living undercover and humans shouldn't know of our existence," Mathias says.

"What? But that doesn't help anyone. The world is so much better with everyone out in the open." I haven't been part of the supernatural world for that long, but I've always known different supernaturals exist, and that the world being mixed has done wonders for the world. Especially when it comes to things like medical and technological advancements. The idea there's a whole sect of people who don't think it's a good thing is beyond me.

"You don't have to convince us," Mathias points out. "Coming to Scythe Grove teaches us to do the complete opposite of what the Shadow Association teaches."

True. Reapers help the deceased and trapped souls of humans, and their families. I doubt the Shadow Association would approve of it.

"I'm guessing that's why they're not too happy about me coming here." I wouldn't be in their shoes either. But that's not something I want to change. "How do I get out of the oath?" I glance between them, hoping one of them will have the answer.

"I don't know. Very few people have left the Shadow Association," Tobias says. "We don't know much about it beyond what it is and what they do. I think they started out with the right intention in giving supernaturals who weren't ready to expose themselves to the world a safe place, but they've become more over time."