"That's what you have me and Juliet for. We'll make sure you know the things you need us to. I think Jules plans for the four of us to go on a trip out of the academy in a couple of days time to show you what we do," he says.

The other two still aren't paying any attention to us as we approach a table loaded with different materials.

"Are we allowed to do that?" I ask.

"Encouraged is more like it. We're supposed to go out of the academy and find ghosts who need reaping. Jules and Tobias are one of the best pairs in the academy, even if they are still first years."

"They're not just in a relationship?" Interesting. I wonder how common it is for the reaper pairs to date one another?

I don't dwell on the question, not wanting to have to explain to Mathias where my mind is going. I'm not sure he'll appreciate me wondering about his relationship status.

"No, they're reaper-paired. But they requested it after they won the Grove Captain competition together. I don't blame them. It's unheard of for first-years to win."

"Does that mean Juliet is a seer?"

He shakes his head. "Tobias is the seer, Jules is the porter. Like me."

"I'm still not sure I understand the difference," I admit sheepishly.

Mathias flashes me a reassuring smile. I'm not sure why he's being so patient and understanding with me, but I appreciate it. The way the other students are acting around me may be a surprise, but it's a welcome one. I want to feel like I have a place here, and they're all helping with that.

"There's a bit more to it, but the basic distinction is that seers can talk to ghosts and porters are the ones who can help them move on to the next realm."

"Porters can't speak to ghosts?" A light breeze dances around us, causing the loose strands of my dark hair to tickle against my face. I need to make sure I get more hair ties for when we're doing our reaper thing.

"No. It's why we go out in pairs. The seer does the talking and finds out why the ghost is stuck there. And after the reapers have sorted that out, the porter uses their scythe and helps them move on."

"So why do I need a scythe if I'm only there to talk to ghosts?"

His eyebrows knit together as he considers the question. "I have no idea. Maybe it's just tradition? Or in case something goes wrong. Stronger seers can learn how to port, maybe this is so they can."


We come to a stop in front of the table. The left side of the table is full of different shafts and handles. Some are simple, others twisted by the natural form of the wood, and there are even some with intricately carved patterns. On the right are hunks of metal with no shape or form.

"What do I need to do?" I ask the three of them. I'm guessing they've all made their scythes already and can point me in the right direction.

"We have about five minutes before the smith arrives. You just need to choose which of the materials you want your scythe to be made out of and he'll do the rest," Juliet explains.

"Is there anything I should be looking for? Materials I should be avoiding?" I don't want to do this wrong. Especially not when it's going to impact so much.

"No. I'm sure some of them are easier to work with than others, but we've never been told which is which. You just need to find what's right for you." Juliet gestures to the table as if unsure what she should be doing with her hands.

I bite my bottom lip but nod anyway and approach the table. I reach out to touch one of the handles, hesitating before my fingers can brush against the material.

"Am I allowed to touch?"

"It's encouraged," Mathias responds.

I flash him a grateful smile, noticing that Juliet and Tobias have already pulled away to talk to one another until I get to the next stage. So long as they don't forget we're here completely.

The wood is smooth to my touch, without any ornamentation or fancy features. This is the kind of thing I feel as if I should be drawn to. But I'm not. I feel no connection with the polished wood.

I move down the line, examining each of the scythe shafts in turn to try and determine which of them will fit me the best. I've never even imagined myself doing something like this, even with the countless fantasy books I devoured as a child. It makes the whole situation rather surreal.

I pass by a metalwork staff. It's beautiful, but looks as if it would catch on my clothing at regular intervals. Not exactly the most practical choice. Then again, if what Mathias says is true, I have no reason to doubt it, seers don't have to use their scythes too much.

"It's this one," I blurt out the moment my hand rests on a cylindrical piece of dark wood, taking myself and everyone else by surprise.