"Good morning, Miss Weston. Welcome to Scythe Grove Academy," a man's voice says. I have to assume this is the professor Mathias referred to.

"Hello," I respond.

"In a moment, the Grove Ceremony will start. You must wait in silence until the gong sounds, and then you must walk towards the corner of the grove you feel best matches with you. Once the gong sounds for a second time, you may open your eyes," he instructs.

"Okay." It's an interesting ceremony, and I'm not sure I understand how it works but I'm willing to give it a go. Especially as I can feel the magic of the grove even stronger here.

Silence descends around me. I've no idea if it's just me, Mathias, and the professor here, or if there are more people around. The temptation to open my eyes is easy to ignore with the way the magic bounces through every part of me.

At first, I'm not sure whether one corner of the grove is calling to me. But as I pay more attention, I realise that isn't true. Nothing about the rest of it makes me feel as if it's incompatible for me, but whatever is in the bottom left corner feels as if it sits the best. I can't explain why.

Maybe I'm not supposed to be able to. At least not without more lessons on how it works. Perhaps in time, I'll be able to understand it more.

A soft gong rings through the air. The sound isn't as jarring as I expect it to be.

I take a deep breath and trust my instincts, making my way towards the corner which calls to me the most. I don't worry about tripping over anything, not with the magic guiding me. Besides, if they often use this part of the grove for ceremonies like this, then they'll make sure there isn't anything on the floor to trip me up.

I come to a standstill and wait. I long to open my eyes and see where I've ended up, but I know I have to wait. I'm not sure what will happen if I don't abide by the rules, but I don't want to find out. Maybe they'll retract the offer to come to Scythe Grove Academy and I'll have to go back to the Association.

Thankfully, the second gong sounds.

I open my eyes and look around, surprised to find myself standing under a cherry blossom tree in full bloom despite the time of year. It must be the magic keeping it that way, as the holly bush opposite also appears to be at its peak. That must represent the Ilex Grove Mathias said his brother was part of. A huge hawthorn tree with beautiful white flowers stands to the side of it, and another tree with what appear to be conical yellow flowers stands next to it. That one must be banksia, I don't think I've ever seen a plant like that before.

"Welcome to Sakura Grove, Miss Weston," the professor says. He walks forward with a cane tapping at the ground with each step. "Here is your pin."

"Thank you." I take it from him. A blue-rimmed shield with a pink cherry blossom at the centre and two crossed scythes behind it sits in my hand. I'm not sure whether anyone wears the pins, I didn't see a similar one on Mathias' clothing, but I'm excited to own it.

Mathias grins. "I guess I'm taking you to our common room now."

"You're in Sakura too?" I ask, a small amount of relief flooding through me. At least I'll know one person there.

"I am. And I'll be happy to introduce you to everyone. Are you ready to continue with the tour?"

"Are we done here already?"

He nods. "It's that simple. Professor Montgomery will send a message to the housekeepers for Sakura to ready one of the empty rooms for you. It should be ready by the time we get there."

"That's probably a good thing. I'm going to need a rest by the time we're done."

He chuckles. "I don't blame you. It's a lot to take in. But everyone will be around to help if you need it."

Despite having no real reason to, I find myself believing him.

Chapter Six

A shield with a blue rim, a pink flower in the centre, and scythes crossed behind it hangs over the door of the building Mathias directs me towards.

"Welcome to Sakura Grove," Mathias says.

I step inside the common room nervously. How are these people going to react to me? I've not grown up knowing I'm a reaper, and now I'm muscling in on their territory as if it's no big deal. I'd be annoyed at myself.

A dark-haired girl jumps off a table and strolls towards us with an easy confidence I'm not sure I'll ever be able to pull off.

"This is Juliet, our Grove Captain," Mathias introduces.

"Hi," she says brightly, holding out her hand.

I take it nervously.