Page 18 of Witch's Spark

“So she could be part necromancer?” Penny sounded nervous, and he turned so he could put his arm around her, pulling her close. She nuzzled into his chest, and something uncoiled inside him. He hadn’t realised quite how worried he’d been about her not actually wanting to have anything with him. He’d have respected that, naturally, but he’d have been sad.

“I suppose so, yes. But it seems a little unlikely.”

“Keep me away from her,” she begged, her emotional eyes up at him filled with her plea.

“Faye’ll be sad if you don’t want to meet her,” he pointed out.

“It’s not safe,” she protested weakly. So she did have a soft spot for children. That was good to know. It meant he had a chance of them in the future, though how that was going to work was a little beyond him. He supposed the child would be his and Faye’s, at least biologically. He had no doubt Penny would be as much of a parent to whatever offspring they had.

“I’m sure it will be. Fiona isn’t even five yet. You’ve got months to meet her with it being perfectly safe.” He brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. She was beautiful. Not the same kind of beautiful as Faye, but equally so.

“Oh, I suppose then. But then I won’t be able to see her for a year.” Tears began to pool in Penny’s eyes, and his heart broke for her. He was under the impression she’d been alone far longer than anyone should have been. At least he and Faye could change that now.

“We’ll explain it to her. What about if you talked on the phone? If you wanted to I mean. You can tell when you’re going to scream, right?”


He nodded. He’d thought that was what her repeated use of the word no was earlier, but wanted to be sure. “We could do that, then you can hang up the phone when you feel one coming. Or maybe one of us can always be there and do something about it if we think something is about to go wrong.”

“You’d do that for me?” she asked in awe.

“Of course we would,” Faye answered, touching her hand to the other woman’s back, before trailing it down so her skin touched his as well as their shared mate. “We’re a team, Penny, and that means we support you whatever you need. And Bex will understand. Not right this second, but she’ll understand when we tell her.” She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the top of Penny’s head. There was something about this situation, as unusual as it seemed, that felt right.

He pulled Penny in closer, and opened his other arm to Faye, who snuggled herself into him too. This was heaven. Having the two of them so connected to him was what he’d been missing his entire life.

“What was wrong with Bex?”

“They’ve found something.” Faye frowned.

“What kind of something?”

“A prison, I think.”

“She shouldn’t even be looking.” He felt the anger rising inside him. He’d thought Bex was leaving the whole situation well alone. But apparently not.

“I know. But I think Robert found it, then told her. What else was she to do, I guess?” She looked unsure, but he knew she had a point.

“Robert shouldn’t be looking either. He could get himself hurt,” Reese protested. Plus, he didn’t trust Robert in the slightest. Even ignoring the fact he let himself be controlled by a group of witch hunters, there was something iffy about him. Reese had never liked him, even when he’d just been Bex’s plus one.

“He’s probably trying to redeem himself,” Faye muttered.

“For what?” Penny looked between the two of them, an adorably confused look on her face.

“Marrying my sister because they were being blackmailed, causing my niece to get kidnapped, causing my other sister to get kidnapped, ruining Bex’s wedding. Take your pick.” Faye shrugged.

“I hardly think ruining Bex’s wedding is a real option there, Bex knew what she was doing, and Robert was fake marrying her from the start,” Reese pointed out. He knew that Bex had been under alot of stress, particularly with poor Fiona missing, but there was a part of him that thought she was at least a little to blame. Or that she at least wasn’t blameless. If she’d told her family about her four year old daughter, then there would have been less danger in the poor thing being kidnapped, and more people to help find her.

Then again, he could understand why she didn’t. Being unmated, and having a child, was unheard of. Not even just rare. It really shouldn’t happen. And there were still a lot of unanswered questions for Bex. He had even more questions now. If Penny couldn’t have children, but wanted to, then there was a chance that Bex may know of a way to make it so she could have one. That would be worth the awkward conversation.

“It is too. He still brought the witch hunters. He still brought Mia to their attention and got her drugged.” Faye shrugged out from under his arm, and crossed her arms across her chest. He was in trouble then.

“Well yes...”

“So he has plenty to make up for,” Faye pointed out, pouting slightly.

“It sounds like she has a point,” Penny pointed out.

“Huh, is this what I’m going to have to live with now? Being ganged up on all the time?” He laughed despite himself. They were kind of cute when they were both angry at him. Not that he was going to tell them that, it’d probably just end with them yelling at him.