The redhead started rushing over to the other Wardens, her blue-haired mage trailing behind her and looking as miserable as ever. Macey was determined to get a smile off him one day. It seemed impossible, but she’d just have to keep trying.
“Hey,” she said, embracing the other woman once she’d reached them. “How did you get here?”
“I flew,” Amber pointed out.
“Oh, sorry. I meant, how did you know to get here,” Macey corrected herself. The flying thing should have been obvious given Amber’s unusual dress and the fact she’d seen her in beithir form anyway.
“Malan sent word you’d need us,” the redhead replied, shrugging. “I swear, if these prophets know so much, why don’t they just tell us it straight in the first place?”
Macey scoffed. Amber did have a point. Though the answer was probably something like it not working if they knew all the answers. If Macey never had to deal with another prophet in her life, she’d be one happy kelpie.
“They probably think we don’t have anything better to do than chase around vague hints,” she said.
This time, it was Amber who laughed. “Or maybe they’re just trying to make sure you don’t spend all your time in bed with your men. Not that anyone would blame you.” She winked at the same time Izban scowled, clearly not impressed by his girlfriend’s reaction.
Macey said nothing, but that didn’t stop her ears heating in embarrassment. She really wished they’d stop doing that. It was somewhat cliched.
“Have you met Cara yet?” Amber asked, changing tack.
“No,” Macey replied, trying to push down the jealousy she was feeling once more. Maybe she was more like Izban that she thought. If so, maybe they could bond over the annoying feelings inside them.
“Come with me.” Amber grabbed her hand and pulled her off in the direction she’d come from. “I’ll be right back,” she called over her shoulder to Izban, who was left looking a little lost until Flint walked up to him and started chatting.
Macey stumbled over a loose stone in the ground. That’s what she got for watching her men and not where she was putting her feet.
They reached the other side of the fire in a matter of moments and Macey gulped loudly. There was only one woman who wasn’t busy in conversation and she was intimidating to say the least. She had long blonde hair and the biggest blue eyes Macey had ever seen. They sparkled in the fire light, whether from the flicker of the flames themselves, or from the magic within the selkies, Macey didn’t know, but the effect was dazzling and beautiful beyond words.
“This is Cara,” Amber introduced. “My friend, Macey. I was telling you about her.”
Macey smiled at the stunning woman, hoping she wasn’t coming across as insecure as she felt.
“Hi.” She held out her hand and waited for the selkie to take it.
“So you’re the kelpie that has Rónán all tied up in knots,” Cara sneered instead of responding to the introduction.
Concern flickered over Amber’s face as she realised the introduction wasn’t going to plan. Macey reached out and gave the beithir’s hand a reassuring squeeze. None of this was her fault after all. She’d just been trying to do the polite thing.
“I wouldn’t say tied up in knots,” Macey replied sweetly. “I think he’s perfectly in control of his emotions.”
“Unlikely when he’s been bewitched.”
The way Cara said the final word had Macey recalling what Rónán had said earlier. If not all selkies had magic, then she suspected Cara was one of those. And tha
t would mean her problem with Macey was that she could do magic and not anything else. She sighed with relief. If that was the problem, she could deal with it. What she didn’t want to deal with was a jealous selkie out to get her.
“My magic is tied to the water.” Well, and air. “Not anything like emotions, love or that kind of thing.” Macey kept her voice light, not wanting to give anything away. She was definitely getting better at keeping her feelings in check. She had the Voice’s imprisonment to thank for that one.
“Love?” Cara raised a disdaining eyebrow. “You dare use that word?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Macey asked. “If that’s how we feel.” She knew she was treading on thin ice, but felt a little too much joy at the selkies discomfort to stop. This was far too much fun.
“You can’t possibly know what love is you vi…Rónán!” Cara’s voice and disposition changed in an instant, causing jealousy to surge again within Macey.
A warm hand landed on the small of her back and she relaxed into Rónán’s touch, pleased he was here reaffirming what she already knew about their relationship.
“Hello, Cara.” His voice was cool and collected. It wasn’t likely that these two were friends then. That was always a good sign.
“How have you been?” she purred, pushing past Macey and stepping between her and Rónán.