He paused to let it sink in, but she was having none of it. “Seven what? Idiots?”

Cam chuckled. “Seven Wardens.”

“Please tell me you’ve heard of the legend?” Jared groaned dramatically. Macey shook her head, embarrassed at her lack of knowledge of the supernatural world. Her grandmother had told her stories, but most were about the peoples roaming the sea and waters, not... Wardens, whatever they were.

“May I remind you that you didn’t know it either when you joined us?” Cam reminded him sternly and Jared grimaced.

“That’s different. I didn’t grow up in your world.”

“Have you asked Macey how she grew up?”

Jared shrugged before admitting, “No, I haven’t.”

“Then don’t be so quick to judge.” Cam turned to Flint. “Brother, would you do us the honour?”

Flint smiled and got up, bowing dramatically.

Macey smiled. This was going to be interesting.

Clearing his throat, Flint began to chant in a deep, smooth voice.

“Fire and wind,

brothers in arms,


t in the mist.

Earth will join,

Always hungry,

Only sated by meeting the fourth.

Water will run, circling Fire,

then Wind and Earth.

Lightning is trapped,

Ice will break the chains.

Finally, Air is waiting,

only to appear

when the end is near.”

Silence followed his recital, broken only by the flickering of the flame he suddenly conjured, hovering above his outstretched hand.

“I am fire.”

Cam got up and lazily moved his fingers through the air, creating a tiny tornado in the palm of his hand.

“I am wind.”

Jared stood up as well, opened his mouth - and laughed, bending over as his chuckles grew louder. “Sorry, but you’re a little too dramatic,” he wheezed in between laughs. “And I can’t show her earth without destroying the house.”